Coming up on Wild at Heart, EPISODE 156 part 2 - TopicsExpress


Coming up on Wild at Heart, EPISODE 156 part 2 Monday.. Maricruz’s lawyer just called Alvaro and informed him that Maricruz is about to be set free. Alvaro tells him he is immediately heading to the prison to wait until Maricruz comes out. Maricruz, ever so thoughtful, asks how Carola and her buddy are doing. The guard informs her they will continue in the “punishment cell” for another week, so they’ll learn to respect their other prison mates….Anyway, she is led outside on a rainy day (with her loose, wavy and wild hair getting wet) and is happy to see Alvaro there waiting for her. She just knew his would be the first face she would see, she tells him. She thanks him for being such a good friend. He still hopes he is more than that. Maria is in a jail cell, but she doesn’t seem to be suffering much. She is just busy recounting her hi-jinks to her cellmates. Another long, useless scene later and Maria regains her freedom. Oh, joy. Alvaro wonders where Maricruz is headed next. She first wants to see her daughter, who is now with Octavio. Alvaro wants to know if she plans to return with Octavio. No, she assures him, that is long over…..Well, it’s “confession day” in Mexico City. Now Alvaro “confesses” to Maricruz that his daughter Elsa is ill. (I guess he previously told Maricruz, without telling the rest of us, that he has a daughter, because Maricruz is not the least bit surprised about that.) So, he offers Maricruz a job as Elsita’s caretaker. His government job pays so well that he not only lives in an elegant, spacious home, but it also comes with a little guest house, which he thinks is perfect for her, her daughter AND the nanny. Well, thank goodness Maricruz recognizes that she is too emotionally imbalanced herself to act as the caretaker of an emotionally imbalanced teenager, and she tells Alvaro she could probably cause her more harm than good. As the tuba returns, Alvaro tells her he doesn’t want to pressure her, but reminds her he loves her and that he will watch over her if she will allow him to help her. Seconds later, Juanita is monkeying around with Lupita in Octavio’s new abode when she suddenly hears a knock on the door. She runs to open the door and is surprised to see Maricruz, who not only managed to teleport to Octavio’s new abode, but also had time in between to get her hair all dried up, darkened, straightened and done up in a bun. Juanita is excited, but Lupita looks like she couldn’t care less that her “mommy” just showed up. Whatever. Maricruz runs to her, sits her on her lap, embraces her, and flashes a big smile and her magic dimples…..Juanita is excited to see her. (Maybe she’s hoping to finally get paid.) Meanwhile, Doris just found out that Maricruz is free. She is fuming because she is sure that in no time Maricruz and Octavio will reunite. She quickly figures out a way to take Octavio far away before that can happen. Natasha, what’s her name, and what’s his name brainstorming. Whatever. Next. Front page news again. Alfonso’s mom reads the huge headline announcing WHAT JUST HAPPENED MINUTES AGO – “la dama desnuda” is free because the painter who fell from a plane was the murderer. Alfie’s dad comes in and points out that the person most hurt by everything that happened is Maricruz. His wife begs to differ. “Our son was the most hurt.” Her husband still thinks Maricruz got the worst of it and it’s time for his wife to acknowledge that Maricruz bears no fault for what happened. Doris calmly awaits Octavio’s arrival at the airport. As soon as she sees him walking towards her, she starts feigning stomach pains and says she feels horrible. She informs him she saw a doctor who told her she has to have gall-bladder surgery right away, so she has to fly home – because, you know, flying is the sensible thing to do when there’s a chance that your guts will explode.. Stay tuned only on Citizen Television....
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 16:54:24 +0000

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