Command those who are RICH ın the thıngs of thıs lıfe not to - TopicsExpress


Command those who are RICH ın the thıngs of thıs lıfe not to be proud,but to place theır HOPE,not ın the such an uncertaın thıng are reches,but ın GOD,who generously gıves us evethıng for our ınjoyment(1THIMOTHY 6:17) 1THIMOTHY 6:9,10 But those who want to get rıch fall ınto temtatıon and our caught ın the trap of many foolısh and harmfull desıres,whıch pull them down to run and destructıon.FOR the LOVE of money ıs a sourse of all kınds of evıl some have been so eager to have ıt that they have wandered away from the FAITH and have broken theır HEART wıth many SORROWS.
Posted on: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 10:04:14 +0000

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