Commando Kelly This multiple-function drill includes sprints, - TopicsExpress


Commando Kelly This multiple-function drill includes sprints, up-downs, push-ups, and sit-ups, which would bring a smile to the face of any special-ops drill instructor. Align players across the goal line. On the whistle, the players high knee run-in-place. On the next whistle, the players perform up-downs (falling to the ground flat, stomach and chest first). On the next whistle, the players run 10-yards and continue to run-in-place. On the next whistle, the players drop and do push-ups. On the next whistle, the players run down field 10-yards and continue to run-in-place. On the next whistle, the players drop to the ground and do sit-ups. On the next whistle, the players run 30-yards to mid-field and continue to run-in-place. The sequence is repeated until the players reach the other goal line. Coaching Points Modify these drills in regard to age of and physical condition of players. Use common sense when starting these conditioning drills, starting slowly and building up as the players get into better shape. Shake up a lethargic practice by running the Commando Kelly drill.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 19:11:28 +0000

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