Commencement address to graduating 2014 class @ MUM [Maharishi - TopicsExpress


Commencement address to graduating 2014 class @ MUM [Maharishi University of Management, as delivered by Jim Carrey ; Mr. Carry goes on w/ the address... life doesnt happen to you; Life happens for you. most of the decisions we make are made out of love or fear. Learn not to live in flight or fight mode all your life. I Thank each of you parents for loving this class so well. i have always said beware of the unloved. they will eventually hurt themselves.OR ME! [:>)] You are the vanguard. the new wave in the ocean of possibilities. the world is starving for new ideas. it can be rough out there. but thats ok, cause there self serve ice cream... w/ sprinkles [sometimes its ok to eat your feelings.]. fear is in your life. but only as much as you let it. all that matters is the now.... and the decisions you make now in love or fear. so choose life; not fear disguised as practicality. because what we really want is so far out of reach its ridiculous to expect that you dare to ask the Universe for it. the truth is, you can ask the Universe for it. Please! it may not happen right away. my father wanted to be a stand-up comic. instead, he chose the SAFE route of being an accountant. he was let go from that job.. so the safe job was lost, and nothing to show for it. he learned 2 things. 1)you can fail at what you dont like.) 2) so why not do what you do like??! jim watched the love and humor of his father change the world around him, jim thought thats something to do! thats worth my time! father was so proud of his son:hes not just a ham! Hes the whole pig! father saw jims talent as his own second choice. after 10 years of comedy, jim realized his purpose in the world was to free people from concern and dubbed it the Church of Freedom From Concern [the ffc church], and dedicated himself to its ministry. WHATS YOURS? how will you serve the world?What do they need that your talent can provide? thats all you have to do; figure it out.the affect you have on others, is the most valuable currency there is. because everything you gain in life will rot and fall apart. & all that will be left is what was in your heart. so jim carry did something that made people[want to] present their best selves where ever they go. you are already so ahead of the game. you know who you are. thats the peace that lies beyond personality..even beyond the mind itself. you can play the games and fight the wars, but to find peace, you have to let the amour melt. your need for acceptance can make you invisible. risk being seen in all of your glory! [unveiled a multi symbolic collage painting 1000+ hrs in the making].youtube/watch?v=V80-gPkpH6M#t=1235 pic @ about 16:00 into address..explained. it tells a story that he is about. we are not the avitars we create. we are the lite that shine thru. the rest is smoke and mirrors, distracting but not really soul is not contained within the limits of my body, but my body is contained in the limitlessness of my soul. fear is also a script writer, the working title isi will never be enough! so relax and dream up a good life. i had a second grade substitute teacher who said when she had a need, she prayed[fervently ] & promised something in return for it, and it came to pass. jim really wanted a new bicycle. there was no way that was in the budget. so he prayed and promised to recite the Rosary ever day [broke that one!]. however in about 2 weeks, after returning home from school, there was a brand new bike...w/ the banana set, and easy-rider handle bars. turns out a friend had entered jims name in a raffle, and he had won! and ever since, he practiced asking the Universe, and it has kept him sustained always. So letting the Universe know what you want,and work toward it while letting go of how it will come to pass. your job is not to figure out how its going to happen for you. open the door in your head, so that when the open door presents, you can walk thru. and dont worry if you miss a que, there will be other doors. there always is.. life doesnt happen to you. it happens for you. and why not take a chance on faith? not hope! hope is a beggar. hope walks thru the fire. faith leaps over it! you are ready and your are able to do the beautiful things the world has for you. you will only be faced with 2 choices. love, and fear. choose love. dont; let fear turn you against your playfull heart.
Posted on: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 03:55:44 +0000

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