Comment from Ashok Sharma on Emerging Policy of US Leadershipon - TopicsExpress


Comment from Ashok Sharma on Emerging Policy of US Leadershipon NAC: I Guess--The Very Idea that One Nation, One Particular Section of Believers, One Countrys Scientific achievements or the Intellectual Prowess Of its People -ot, its way of Life, its Thinking, or its Culture, being Superior than others or Better in creating lsting Influence to deserve for it, its Global Leadership position is very very Flawed at its very Foundations. Long since we Left Behind us Old Roman Civilization - declined, never to Rise gin to its true Glory gin ever. Exctly Simiar Symptoms of a Similar Dreaded Disease we find resurfacing and manifesting again after more than 2000 he West and in he Leaders and its Exclusive Club of a few Self assumed Lords of Earth as Eager and Stubborn , as Arrogant and Violent, as Unrestrained and Over-Ambitiousbasking in False Glory of its Immense Power as were the ancient Romans. We see some misguided ,Power-Hungry and too Greedy for Global Dominance Ambitions Power-Elite once again gathering together, Ganging up yet once gin to prove their Global Dominance by repeatedly making a Blunder after a Blunder And making this World a very Difficult place to live in peace, harmony and abundance for all, for tens upon tens of millions in many regions- as were the pathetic lives of ordinary Romans in bygone -era....The data and the statistics and the Facts of past two centuries are Before us as Proof that nearly similar Symptoms of of Same Deadly Disease have started appearing appearing in the 21 Century My God Superior My influence Better than others is Disease which we ll must lovingly tackle unless it be too late for n entire continent nd its great civilized society nd ll its achievements sink below the bottom like Roman Civilization - never to Rise again.....Just my Humble view,Natalia Fredriksen--- Ashok Sharma, New Delhi , INDIA - 03 Jan,2015
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 01:40:58 +0000

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