Comment left on my blog ( ) speaks beautifully to my - TopicsExpress


Comment left on my blog ( ) speaks beautifully to my Feral Parenting style. Longish but worth skimming if youre a parent: Im older than you (51) and I spent many years agonizing over what other people thought of me as a wife, a mother, a person. Do you know what good it did me? None. My mantra as a mother has been, Do whatever you want, theres no hating here. The only caveats to my mantra were things involving blood, fire, or being unkind to each other. You want to eat pancakes for dinner while watching cartoons? Go for it. You want to eat nothing but PBJ pinwheels with a side of broccoli for an entire year? No problem. You want to wear that Spiderman costume everywhere you go until its in shreds? Why not? The only way youll wake up is if I bring warmed chocolate milk to your bedside every morning for SEVEN years? Ill get started on that. Youre crying at 6 a.m. because you absolutely cannot show up at high school today? Ill call the office and tell them youre not well. And you know what? My now 25 year old, 22 year old, and 15 year old children are perfectly happy and sane and feel secure. Their father and I did divorce some years back but we kept taking care of them and indulging them and we worked together and we did what THEY needed. You want me to drive you over to your fathers house so you can give him a hug? Get in the car! Looking back now, with all of them grown or almost grown, the only thing that truly matters to me is that I cared for the children. I nurtured them and humored them and talked to them and allowed them to express themselves freely and as a result theyre decent people and theyre not afraid to tell me the truth.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 15:49:05 +0000

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