Commentary The Day Aereo Died Today was very dreadful day as - TopicsExpress


Commentary The Day Aereo Died Today was very dreadful day as #SCOTUS ruled in favor of the greedy broadcasters aka #cashcasters and forced to shut down #Aereo. Aereo losing SCOTUS case was a travesty and a betrayal to Americans since SCOTUS are now backstabbers and traitors. Cord-cutters are very pissed off when they react to the news about this....Hell Broke Loose! The broadcasters like The National Association of Broadcasters have got away this this, this isnt over yet! I do feel sorry for Chet Kanojia and Barry Diller that things didnt turn out as they expected to. I bet SCOTUS hates cord-cutters and care about greed. As I say an Iconic innovative product was lost to broadcast greed today, very sad indeed. I also bet Federal Communications Commission are mad too. I think the outdated business models of the 20th century and outdated Retransmission Consent laws are a factor, and we need reform and 21st century video rules. Well Les Moonves at CBS and other broadcasters, NABs Gordon Smith and Dennis Wharton are dancing and smiling...Over my dead body! This was a tragic day in American for cord-cutters from poor to middle class that cant afford cable and satellite TV like DirecTV. I still love DirecTV, and the broadcasters are destroying innovation. I predict angry cord cutters will protest the SCOTUS decision by carrying picket signs and booing at broadcasters, justices, and the NAB of course. I know theyll say Theres nothing you can do... I will not except BS like that. To protest the SCOTUS ruling. Please call (202) 479-3000 TTY: (202) 479-3472 to make disapproval of the ruling. Money is the root of all evil and the NAB are corrupted and greedy. Thats all! More on this: https://youtube/watch?v=tmJ5_yrVQHU
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 17:16:01 +0000

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