Commentary from Soaptown USA--love her take on how bad the writing - TopicsExpress


Commentary from Soaptown USA--love her take on how bad the writing is and how dumb the stories + how badly all the vets are being used and discarded--cant wait to see this reflected in the ratings which we know will eventually happen If You’re Not Interested In Quality, Intelligent Writing… January 27, 2014 Commentary, General Hospital By Martini Kitty …then this show is for you! Good Lord, I can actually feel my poor little brain cells suffering, gasping for stimulation, then giving up and dying as I watch GH these days. There have been some crazy, outlandish stories over the years. For example, Casey the Alien. However, even as foolish as the third rate take on Starman was, it was written with charm and wit, so it was still palatable. It’s one thing to have an OCCASIONAL flight of fancy. It’s another completely when I’m daily asked to watch with my brain sitting over on the coffee table, disengaged altogether. But I’m not the only one TPTB are expecting to be empty headed. Law enforcement currently is being portrayed as DOUBLY stupid. Not only are they swallowing all of Heather’s false information and blaming Franco for Carly’s disappearance, they are also prepared to prosecute Silas Clay for giving his wife an overdose when it’s clear he isn’t the likeliest culprit. The show is on a rapid downhill slide, and it isn’t pretty. Let’s look at some other cringe-worthy moments from the past week. Carly was able to clearly talk around her gag before the kids came into the stable…but suddenly when Spencer, Cam, and Emma got there, she was unable to utter a word. Remember what Heather said? “Even gagged you talk too much.” CRAP WRITING. Emma heard the racket Carly was making as she thrashed around and said, “What’s that?” My answer? The sound of thousands of TVs turning off. Anna Anna says she assumed naively justice would be done in the case of Dr. Obrecht.. She didn’t make that presumption with Faison. And she’s seen time and again that justice is frequently NOT done…as with Julian Jerome. Anna isn’t stupid. Stop writing her that way. Apparently Nik has no security these days regardless of Cassadine Island being taken over by felons, and Spoon Island having been a temporary home recently for some of those same criminals. Nope. No security…anyone can take the launch anytime and come and go as they please…and the elementary school age children walk around completely unsupervised. Meanwhile Heather continues to keep Carly alive in spite of all the risks. Because that makes sense. Sure. You get my point. The writing on this show has deteriorated to where it is painful to sit through this program five days a week. Lingering Questions and Stray Observations Nikolas sits on the hospital board, but wasn’t told about Obrecht before Britt told him. Sure. The kids will never mention seeing Heather at the stables. Because most young children are great at keeping secrets. Elizabeth goes to Nik’s home that he now shares with Britt and gets nasty with Britt? Out of line. Maybe seeing Dr. Obrecht in person as the COS will give Sabrina and Patrick some insight into what Robin has endured. It would be nice for someone to finally show some concern about her ordeal. Perhaps the writers will also let people see the abuse Dr. O heaps on Britt, and give them all a little peek into the abuse Britt has gone through, as well. Michael keeps warning Kiki about Franco, but then is all surprised that she locked the door while she was home alone. “Trouble with a capital “T,” that rhymes with “C,” that stands for Carly.” That moment was funny. Made me want to burst into old show tunes. Heather finally drugged Carly.Sam It’s about time. Why isn’t Sam the Super Investigator looking into her sometime friend Carly’s disappearance? I liked Nathan at first. I got over it when he started basically stalking Silas. If you want to have a conversation with Silas, don’t hound him at work and lock him in the elevator. That’s creepy. Lucas has a sister he didn’t know about until recently, another sister missing, and a newly discovered still alive bio-dad. That is enough on his plate. Let’s not put the new guy (recently returned guy….whatever) in 37 different storylines at once…or have him try to start a romance while he’s in an emotional turmoil. I kinda liked Dr. O chewing up Nathan and spitting him out. I also like that Lucas wasn’t angry with Bobbie and understands her motivations…and I like Sam’s conversations with Bobbie. These are moments the writers did very well. Anna to Sonny, “I’m sure you do love your children…and all their mothers.” Sonny has so many children by so many different women, he could be an NBA star. It looked like Julian was gonna kill Duke…again. But wouldn’t that have been stupid, because everyone would know who did it. Just like everyone knew what happened at the warehouse. Nope. Brad and Felix Still don’t give two hoots in Hell about Brad or Felix. Neither has any real purpose or connection to this show. I know the Lucy/Kevin/Scott/Felicia/Mac scenes are supposed to appease longtime fans, but since it’s an inconsequential story unrelated to anything else, I don’t care about it at all. It’s a shameful waste of the vets. Morgan said it’s a little early for a drink, and Britt is just going to work for her morning shift…but Julian and Duke are on a dark pier. Not just foggy. DARK. Like nighttime. I don’t really care about Julian, Sonny, Shawn, or Duke, either. Their motivations are shallow and senseless. Brad’s dad is a notorious gangster. Are TPTB planning to revisit the Asian Quarter storyline, too? Oh! Yup. But only peripherally. So…with all the investigating of the GH lab that’s been done, why didn’t Brad’s parentage come out sooner. Did I miss something? I don’t understand Felix’s open hostility and rudeness to Silas. Gee. The pharmacist who filled the lethal prescription swears it was Silas who picked it up. For supposedly smart people, Sam and Silas aren’t very bright. Silas had a serial killer brother WHO LOOKED JUST LIKE HIM. You would think Sam would remember since Caleb kidnapped her. Isn’t it very likely that Caleb gave Nina the overdose? Maybe even at depressed Nina’s insistence? Put the pieces together already and get this tired tale over with. This story is a snore. Multiple people beating up a singular person is so cowardly. It shouldn’t take Sonny, Duke, and Shawn to batter Julian. I can’t believe THESE are the stories taking us into sweeps. Felix had been pushing Brad away for months. Should he be surprised Brad decided to chase someone else? Brad shouldn’t be so guilty about it…he didn’t cheat on Felix. But he should be concerned about his own low-brow behavior. Really. A one-night stand with a stranger? Good way to catch something, (and before you send me poison pen notes, that isn’t a shot at gays. It’s true no matter who the participants are.) Sonny more barware. Shocking. I would like to own the nearest Crate and Barrel so I could make a fortune replacing Sonny’s glasses. I still, however, am sympathetic to Sonny regarding the betrayal of his own son. Morgan has never been given a reason to hate his father so much he wants him dead. I was laughing, though, when Sonny was whining about Morgan lying. Sonny lies as easily as he breathes. It’s been so long since we saw them, I had actually forgotten about Rafe, TJ, and Molly. Smarmy Scottish weasel. I like that description of Duke. Isn’t that sweet. Sam admired Jason’s ability as a hitman for the mob. Given that Shawn is Sonny’s current hitman, TJ should probably shut the Hell up about Rafe’s relatives. Why is Lucy a Franco fan? She never liked serial killers before. It makes no sense. When Morgan was telling Ava about his conversation with Julian, she was definitely more motherly than loverly. Sam was asking Julian for help…but didn’t even bother asking him what had happened to him. Lucy…if you have an attraction to Scott and you’re trying to fight it, you might want to STAY AWAY from his hotel room. Idiot. Incoming Rick Hearst is returning to his role as Sonny’s brother, Ric. I always loved the actor Rick, and when Ric the character was introduced, I had high hopes for him. Ric, Sonny’s half-brother, could have been the antithesis of Sonny. Or he could have even been a balanced foil for Sonny. Instead those in charge during his first run made Ric a constant loser to Sonny (not unlike the way they write AJ.) They also made Ric just as corrupt as Sonny. It was a horrible waste, as Ric was a marvelous romantic lead. His relationship with Elizabeth was my favorite, as they were both bruised by others and still managed to bring out the best in each other. (Remember their sweet, quiet wedding?) That, however, was ruined when the writers decided to make Ric obsessed. Both the character and the actor deserved much more. So who here actually believes Ric (or Rick) will be used to the fullest potential this time? Nope. Me, neither. The vets are being brought in, used badly, then discarded. He is just the latest in a long line. Will he be background fodder (Duke, Felicia, Mac, AJ) or made into a crazed, vengeful two-dimensional stalker (Heather)…because those are the only roles being given to returning vets these days. Short column this week because, let’s face it. There really isn’t much happening on this show right now.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 15:18:03 +0000

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