Commentary on this Mother Earth News article: View from an empty - TopicsExpress


Commentary on this Mother Earth News article: View from an empty previous free range chicken farm. The article poses the question about a rural economy and if a small poultry business could bolster it. From my experience, in having one for 4 years, I can safely say that our free range chicken project most likely didnt bolster our local economy one bit. But it bolstered something else entirely. It personally bolstered my faith in people...and in the concept of community. It provided my family with an opportunity to provide a healthy food alternative and in the process, meet some amazing folks that supported small local farming and other small local businesses. These people surprisingly were not all chicken eaters! Some were vegetarians who applauded our desire to raise animals humanely and with dignity. Some of our most ardent supporters were vegans. Imagine that. Having this small farm operation bolstered our community a bit also. It inspired and encouraged others to do things that previously have not been done. To break the traditional mold and simply try new things, like we did. It also provided an opportunity for choices. For these past few years, individuals and some businesses had an opportunity to choose...healthy and local for themselves, their family and their customers...or for a few cents cheaper...stay with the supermarket stuff. Support a local farm...or dont think about those kind of things. Some of them took a higher road and I am more than confident that it felt good. I know it made a difference to them, to us and to this little place we all call home. Affect the local economy? No, probably not. But there are so many other things that small sustainable farms, working harder to do things right can affect in small rural communities. I was happy and honored to have had this opportunity. I feel great about it and am looking for more ways to keep the love coming! Our precious community deserves it!
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 02:31:04 +0000

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