Comments from our Premier. Moving Bermuda in the right - TopicsExpress


Comments from our Premier. Moving Bermuda in the right direction I’ve said many times that it’s not where you are but where you are headed that’s important. It’s an approach to life that the Opposition does not appear to share. In the six months since we formed the Government, they have indulged in over-the-top criticisms of the Government I lead, telling Bermuda we’re “destroying hopes and dreams” and taking the Island “backwards”. As if that’s not enough, the Opposition Leader has said we are “demonic” and practiced in “the Dark Arts”. Clearly, they are working any angle to paint this Government in the worst possible light, to undermine confidence and, by doing so, regain lost support. I’m writing today to say there is another way to look at things, another way to look at the work we’ve been doing since the December election. First, let’s have some context: The OBA confronted an unbelievable mess when we came into office. In January, we had to take emergency action to prevent the government from running out of money – not being able to pay civil servants and vendors. In February, out-of-control government spending left us little option but to project a $247 million operating deficit. The bad news continued with rating agencies downgrading Bermuda. We continue to be surrounded by the rubble of the previous government, but we’re digging out. Everything we are doing is for the recovery and renewal of the Island, putting in place conditions and policies to restore economic growth, making the Island safer and bringing Bermudians together. And if you look past the Opposition attacks, there are signs of progress. For example, Police statistics indicate we are safer, reporting the lowest crime levels since the year 2000. This is backed up by a recent poll that said Bermudians actually feel safer. Consumer confidence is rising, now at a higher level than before the 2008 financial crisis. There is new activity in the international business sector with company registrations up in the first half of this year – the first increase since 2008. This Fall new construction projects will begin; first with the Hamilton Princess Hotel redevelopment creating at least 120 new jobs, and then with the promised start of renovations at Pink Beach. The once-dead real estate market is also starting to come to life with new purchases creating new job opportunities for construction workers and suppliers. None of these developments get us out of the woods, but they do indicate that change is happening – positive change. Bermuda is starting to move in the right direction. I would ask people to be as patient as they can be – there is much work to be done – but also to be assured that our decisions, all of them, are based on doing the right thing for the people of this great Island. And that brings me to my personal goal as Premier, which is to bring Bermudians together; to help us move beyond divisions toward common ground on which we can join hands as one people, one Bermuda. We put up so many walls between each other. We’ve got to start breaking them down. A couple of weeks ago, the Opposition Leader gave a television interview in which he spoke of concerns way beyond the just-passed Human Rights Amendment Act, saying the gay rights agenda would turn civilization upside down and become “an attack on life itself.” I understand that people’s views on all subjects will vary, but these statements were extreme, leaving no room for any kind of dialogue or meeting of the minds. Leaders who shut doors keep people apart, and that is what the Opposition Leader was doing with such rigid, inflexible statements. I believe it is the duty of political leaders who want their country to advance to find ways to end divisions that keep people apart. We’ve got to have leadership that has the broadest understanding of people as they are. There is no one way in this world, there are many ways. The key is to find what keeps people moving forward together; moving toward greater fairness, greater equality and greater freedom. The reality is we must work together to come together. The Opposition Leader’s comments don’t take us there. Let’s try to avoid unnecessary conflict and division; let’s look for the common threads that people share and build on them for a stronger Bermuda. That will keep us moving in the right direction.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 02:07:23 +0000

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