Commercial Sanity5 It is the second working day and U-bank had - TopicsExpress


Commercial Sanity5 It is the second working day and U-bank had decided to throw the gates open for their customers early after they learnt that the MD would be visiting the bank that day to sympathize with them on the robbery incident that took place in their branch. As customers troop into the banking hall, everyone went to the section of the bank where he/she needed to carry out a transaction. At the customer service desk, the CSO was busy having his breakfast of pounded yam and ogbono mixed with egusi, when mr Ali walked in. “Good morning sir” Ali said. CSO continued enjoying his meal without acknowledging Ali’s presence or greeting. “Good morning officer” Ali greeted again. The CSO now angry replied “What! You don’t have simple courtesy; did I tell you my ears were blind? I was eating and am not supposed to talk while eating or didn’t they teach you in health education?” Ali also pretended not to have heard the CSO and began to make his grievance known “do you think you are the only bank in this country? Yesterday, I sent money to someone in Benin and up till now the person has not seen alert. Also, I was at your other branch to withdraw my money and they were saying my signature is not correct; what rubbish!” CSO now angry made to fling his plate at Ali. “Who are you shouting at? You think because you are depositing small change and we open account for you gives you the right to shout at us? If you don’t stop shouting, I would bath you with the remaining soup in my plate. Take a look around you and see how filled our banking hall is today despite the robbery yesterday; do you think we would notice if a customer like you stop using our bank? (Ali is shocked) No one would know, I tell you. So if you are not satisfied with our service after we helped you by opening an account for you; keep your money at home and get out of here” Ali had to calm down; he knew he would be fighting a lost course if he kept shouting. “Officer help me, I need to withdraw 2million from my account so I can pay for the tanker of oil I had ordered for” Ali pleaded. CSO grinned and washed his hands. He then collected Ali’s cheque and helped him sign his signature and offered to go collect the money for him. Ali sat down smiling as he waited for the CSO to return with his money. At the tellering point, as the next customer stepped forward, Ngozi, the teller noticed that the network went from good to no network. She leaves her cubicle, turned round to meet the customer and gave him a dirty slap that made other customers turn their attention to that section. Surprised, the customer asked “madam wetin I do?” “You spoil network Oga, as e just reach your turn network disappeared” Ngozi said as she returned to the cubicle and asked the next customer to step forward. As soon as the next customer came forward, network was restored so Ngozi’s action was justified. Turning to the customer she had slapped “carry your bad luck commot from here before I call security” she threatened, as the customer walked out quietly with Ngozi’s finger deposit still visible on his face. At the customer service desk, Ali was so happy when he saw CSO returning with a cash bag, he was happy that the CSO was rendering him exceptional service after the series of bad services he had endured. The CSO takes his seat and drops the cash bag in front of Ali “That is your money sir” CSO said. Ali was very happy and decided to show the CSO his appreciation. Ali counted five thousand naira and handed it to the CSO. The CSO on seeing the money smiled and rejected it “Oga Ali, I can’t take that from you; I am just doing my job”. Ali was surprised but he loved the fact that someone would be this honest and do his job, so Ali offered the CSO his compliment card and bade him farewell as he stood up to leave. The CSO quickly held the hem of Ali’s Agbada “Where do you think you are going to?” “I am leaving for my office” Ali answered innocently. “Then you must be a foolish man or you don’t use your brain. (Ali opens his mouth in surprise) So you don’t understand banking jargon? How can you give me 5k after I helped you sign to withdraw 2m? You should at least give me 50k; idiot” CSO said. “But officer, it is my money; and I decide how much I should give you” Ali replied. CSO smiled mischievously “Oh! It is your money; you can go then”. Ali sensed looming danger so he quickly counted 50k and gave it to CSO. “God save you, I had already signed another Cheque of 100k, I would have cashed that as a punishment to you if you had not corporate” CSO said as he gave the signed cheque leaflet back to Ali who exited smiling. “Stupid man. Thank you for banking with us” CSO shouted as Ali exited. To be continued.
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 09:25:11 +0000

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