Commissar Magdeline Moonsamys Address On Parliament Debate On The - TopicsExpress


Commissar Magdeline Moonsamys Address On Parliament Debate On The Cuban Five 19 August, 2014 Honorable chair, the EFF is not an organisation that simply speaks on matters relating to the oppressed people of the world, it is an organization that is committed to ensuring that the principles of freedom, equality and justice for all becomes a reality. It would come as no surprise that the stance taken by the EFF on matters relating to the Cuban Five do not possess the double standards of Business cocktails in Washington that have excluded democratically elected President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe and President Mohommed Abdelaziz of the Saharawi Republic. Like the economic embargo by the US on Cuba to undermine the Cuban Revolution and continues to affect the people of Cuba, so too the ill intended economic sanctions against Zimbabwe with the intention of effecting regime change. This is a war waged by the US on the struggle for economic freedom. This is a sure indication that those who dine and dance with Washington conspire equally with the imperialist, capitalist and exploitative West whilst they watch the Cuban Five languish in prison. The EFF is unapologetically anti-imperialist, and anti-capitalist movement committed to the total liberation of all Africans to run our own affairs without interference or prescription from former colonialists. It is the assertion of the EFF that the imprisonment of the Cuban Five is a representation of the miscarriage of international justice executed by Washington to ensure that the oppressed and revolutionary peoples of this world never enjoy equality and freedom for as long as access to sovereignty and resources are restricted to the West. Terrorism and acts of international war have been witnessed by Washington’s continued infiltration of Africa, that we saw with the murder of Muammar Gaddafi and the continued oppression of the people of Palestine as business relations with Israel by both Washington and South Africa remain uncompromised. It is no wonder that all we have seen is talk and no action regarding the illegal arrest of the Cuban Five, whose crime was to defend Cubans from the terrorist acts and any further onslaught of the Cuban people and threats to Cuba’s sovereignty. The same terrorism of which the Cuban Five has been accused has resulted in in the deaths of 3,478 Cubans and 2099 injured from American terrorism. US based terrorist organisations such as Comandos F-4, Brothers to the Rescue, Cuban American National Foundation’s armed wing, and individuals like Luis Posada Carriles today walk free having operated with complete impunity from within the United States to attack Cuba—with the knowledge and support of the FBI and CIA. This is the Washington that our Government runs to when summoned. American terrorists walk free whilst Gerardo Hernandez, Antonio Guerrero, Ramon Labaninio, Fernando Gonzalez and Rene Gonzalez have been wrongfully accused, unjustly imprisoned and arrested for not harming a single person. The unjust system of the US ensured the continued incarceration of the Cuban Five. It is only Rene Gonzalez that has been since their imprisonment. The horrific challenges faced by the Cuban Five can be best told by their families who were denied visas for visitation. This is an atrocity of arbitrary detention that can only be justified by the US for its constant infiltration and interference in the affairs of nations in particular those out of its control. Like the EFF’s rejection of the African Command that continues to militarise Africa so too was the stance of Cuba on the US organisations in particular the United States Southern Command aimed at undermining the Cuban revolution. The EFF rejects the notion of a states entitlement to use all revolutionary means possible to protect its national interest is only the prerogative of the US. The EFF will ensure that fight of the Cuban Five is fought and won and is a representation of the struggles of the oppressed people of the world to end super exploitation and capitalist greed by protecting the interest of resource rich nations and ensuring the fight for economic freedom in our lifetime is a reality. The assistance that Cuba has given to South Africa has been immense during the decades of struggle for political liberation and without the intervention of Cuba, South Africa would have not achieved political freedom. It is our obligation to the Cuban people that we repay their commitment to internationalism and their contribution to the struggles in the African continent. The lack of vigour exercised by the ANC government towards the Cuban Five is an abrogation of their commitment to the oppressed people of the world. ISSUED BY THE ECONOMIC FREEDOM FIGHTERS MBUYISENI QUINTIN NDLOZI (National Spokesperson) Cell Number: +27 73 133 3012 | +27 (61) 482 6589 Website: Email: [email protected] Facebook: Mbuyiseni Quintin Ndlozi || Twitter: @EconFreedomZA and @MbuyiseniNdlozi
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 15:23:08 +0000

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