Committee for Future Generations Box 155, Beauval, - TopicsExpress


Committee for Future Generations Box 155, Beauval, Saskatchewan S0M 0G0 March 11, 2014 Three years ago today, a 9.0 earthquake and subsequent tsunami triggered the world’s largest nuclear incident to date at Fukushima on the east coast of Japan. The total harm that this has caused to the living beings of this planet may never be able to be summed up. The thing is with a nuclear incident the damage is continuous, virtually forever, as 4.7 billion years is beyond our comprehension. Since that day, life on this Earth can never be the same. The people of an entire region in the small nation of Japan have had their homes, their farms, their lives uprooted as radioactive contamination has made the area an exclusion zone. The governments and nuclear industry do not have the technology to deal with the deadly man-made elements that they created in their zeal for progress. This disaster will continue to contaminate the Earth as this radioactively contaminated water they have no way to contain leaks into the Pacific Ocean. Japan has enacted Secrecy Laws to silence the people and the media of Japan to keep information about the extremely serious consequences of this triple meltdown from affecting their economy. The truth would shut down the nuclear industry and create economic upheaval across the world. In spite of the imposed censorship, word of the effects of radiation on the people, especially the children of Japan is coming through that barrier. Enough is already known from the studies of people who were purposely exposed to radiation by the nuclear industry to know what these young ones will be facing. The simple joys of childhood have had to be restricted because of this terrible event. The amount of additional worry parents will be carrying for their children should never have to be felt. These melting nuclear cores will impact all living things including our beautiful Earth. The Dene people from whose territory the uranium was scraped and altered warned them to leave the black rock alone. They said it would cause much death and destruction and it has everywhere that they dig it up, everywhere they process it, everywhere they use it for power, everywhere they use it for war. The mothers, the life-givers, live in great fear for the little ones. They feel the pain of the Earth mother as her life-giving waters are being poisoned by elements that do not belong here. Hundreds of thousands of people in Japan have been protesting for three years now to tell their government that they no longer can accept the dangers of nuclear energy. All over the world people are advocating and demanding that the nuclear industry must be shut down and all effort be made to clean up this on-going catastrophe. The price has become too high and there is no way to pay it. The nuclear industry, in 6 decades, has left a lethal legacy that will threaten all life on this world forever. WE must NOT allow this to go on any longer. WE pray for healing of the Earth mothers and the Earth, her lands and waters. WE pray for the protection of the children for they were not born to suffer this. WE pray because the ones who made this do not know what to do to stop what they have created.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 16:21:06 +0000

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