Common Core Educational Standards. Having a common core of - TopicsExpress


Common Core Educational Standards. Having a common core of shared educational standards would seem to be a natural goal for any nation. Then, regardless of state, our children would, presumably, be assured to have derived a mutually understandable conception of fundamentally important knowledge for any reasonably educated person to have. So, why is common core so controversial? The reason has little to do with education, since the Common Core Educational Standards largely diverge from goals to educate into goals to inoculate our youth into Leftist ideas of Political Correctness (PC). Where Common Core does focus on education, it is often (as in math) in directions with little relevance to the concerns of ordinary citizens. Might I humbly suggest as an American citizen that our federal government limit itself to non-partisan educational standards (not brainwashing efforts!) and encourage the adoption of course work that will be of actual value to both the students and to society? For example, it would be appropriate for schools (at all levels!) to ensure that students be taught skills necessary for survival in todays society, including the filling-out of tax forms (ugh!), the use of computers and software (including accounting), etc. Students at all levels must be taught about the origins and purposes of American Constitutionally-Guaranteed Rights and Liberties, too, for if our youth dont have a clue about what it means to be an American, who should be blamed? For those of you who assume that the above implies that we should eliminate algebra, geometry, etc., from our curricula, you are wrong, wrong, wrong. As a geologist, I use all aspects of mathematics, logic, science, foreign languages, ..., routinely, on a daily basis. I do state that we are putting the emphases on the wrong aspects of algebra, etc. What I do assert, most vigorously, is that we should cease using our educational institutions as a means of politically brainwashing our youths and start using them as a means to educate our students enough for them to think for themselves.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 23:22:36 +0000

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