Common Core last night, Israel this morning on radio. The FAA - TopicsExpress


Common Core last night, Israel this morning on radio. The FAA just gave a win to Hamas. If American airliners feel as though it is unsafe to fly into Israel, they should not fly. EL Al is the safest airline in the world. Ben Gurion airport is one wildly protected. Not to say something, G-d forbid, couldnt happen, but Israel knows that if an American airliner was shot out of the sky it would be horrible for their country as well as ours. HORRIBLE. Not just humanitarian but also politically. Do you think the media would blame Hamas or Israel? I contend that they would blame Israel saying that they should have known better at best, it would quickly devolve into greedy Israeli capitalists just wanted the dollars and let people fly knowing that they were in danger. Would we keep flights flying in to JFK if planes were in danger of being shot down? Especially international flights from any of our biggest allies? Of course not. To do so would be suicide. This is a direct attack on Israel by our country and the FAA. In the name of safety? America, let me ask you a few questions: Do you think the FAA and DHS even know how to keep our airports safe? Do you think we are safer than we were on 9.11? This government didnt have any idea that a country in revolution and taken over by Muslim extremists in Libya would be unsafe for an ambassador to fly into a lightly guarded NON embassy on the anniversary of 9.11. Do you really trust that they know what is happening in the airspace of a country halfway across the world? If I hadnt seen the anti-Israel actions from our government over the last six years I would say, They must know something that we dont know. But in seeing that this president gets his news from the TV just like you do, and our intelligence agencies have been wildly wrong almost every time over seas, I dont buy it. Israel, forgive us. We the people, at least a good number of Americans, left and right, republican, democrat and independent support you. We believe you have a right to exist. The Jewish people have a right to live. If you would listen to the world leaders who want everything to go through a global governing body, then the state of Israel should be the most legitimate state in the world in seeing that it was started by the United Nations! You have a right to defend yourself and dare I say no other country would have put up with this for as long as you have. If Canada had in their charter the stated goal of wiping America off the map and the destruction of all of her people, as Hamas writes about you in their charter, we would have bombed Canada into the Stone Age by now. Our rage would have grown by now and our people would have demanded it. Perhaps you have an Israeli exceptionalism, that tempers your feelings and response for I have never seen you act out of rage. In fact, it is your obedience to G-d that has made you great and kept you relatively safe. It is why, as the world seems to forget, you did not take the Temple Mount. Those who did not have faith in a Loving G-d would have taken the land while you could. You understood the sacred and that bloodshed is not always the answer. Unfortunately, sometimes it is as you are now finding out. I feel for the Palestinian people and their children. They are being lied to by their politicians and clerics. So are we. It isnt hard to figure out who the misguided bad guys are when one side hands out cakes and sweets when there is a kidnapping. They did the same to us the day the World Trade Center came down and the world was horrified. I am still horrified unfortunately too many in power no longer are. They must stop the insanity themselves. Until they do you must protect yourselves. We pray for peace and an end of the blood shed as quickly as possible. We pray for a softening of hearts on all sides and that you may take to heart the words of Abraham Lincoln that you must stop evil and finish this business as quickly as you can and then unite to heal on another with malice toward none and charity for all. Our government has tried to pull the rug from under you. Remain standing. As you see, not even your closest ally will stand with you unflinching in your hour of need, but many of her people will. While my Charity has helped you build hospitals that take in friend and foe to heal them, we are also sending you supplies for your military so your sons and daughters will not be in need as they protect the only land you have ever owned and the only land ever decreed by not only the UN but the only Global authority I recognize, The G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. You are not alone
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 10:07:53 +0000

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