Common Defense calls for putting Suh, Sandman, and Ruud on the - TopicsExpress


Common Defense calls for putting Suh, Sandman, and Ruud on the field. The Republicans hear defense and put the Scoring Explosion of Turner, Fryar, and Rozier on the field. We are for strong defense, not offense, which has happened under ever GOP administration my entire life. The definition of the word defense should be stated at the opening of any National GOP meeting to educate their members on a proper definition. At the same time, Democrats who want to reallocate from our primary role of providing for the common defense and move money to providing the general welfare will receive my rebuff as well. Technology is the key to staying ahead in the race for military supremacy. Technology is expensive (I know I own a Tech company) but should remain a top priority in spending. I, like Republicans, want a strong military. However, unlike most Republicans the past 35 years, I will advocate for limited use and restraint to execute our Constitutional mission of DEFENSE. The world is a bad place. We are not meant to be saviors to the World--God is. We are naive to think otherwise. We have China swinging their elbows in the Pacific. We have additional tensions in Gaza, Russia, Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Syria, and the list goes on and on. We cannot afford to be over extending ourselves to save the world and be vulnerable at home. I feel like we are playing capture the flag as a kid and we are leaving our flag unguarded. We must realize that every great World power that has ever existed have fallen from extensive wars and/or Imperialism. We must learn from history and demonstrate some restraint. The GOP needs to realize the first phrase in the Constitution BEFORE Provide for the Common Defense is Insure DOMESTIC Tranquility--double emphasis on Domestic. More of my Constitutional views on YouTube. Limited views of government require limited views on being a world power. Our founders chartered this country to be a strong and Independent America. We were never created to be the dominant power over the whole world. If they were interested in that aim they would have stayed loyal to England. It is time to debate on the floors of Congress our National Interest. We need to debate military involvement for humanitarian causes. The Iraqi people (which I support) being murdered gave us a charge to attack ISIS. However, highlights on the news of humanitarian disaster only happened when ISIS came closer to the oil fields we control in the Kurdish lands (Coincidence?). Why didnt we act when mass execution was going across Syria whose oil we didnt control? America was stuck on the border issue when ISIS was beginning their domination of northern Iraq. Why the attention now? We have watched genocide happen in Sudan/Rwanda/Yugoslavia and delegated our intervention to the UN. The reality is oil has driven much of our military involvement and agenda. Humanitarian tragedies are often used to build public support of war. However, careful study of our engagements show oil is a fundamental driver to military involvement around the world. We have ignored too many other human tragedies to say our military involvement is consistent across humanitarian lines. It is time to become North American Independent with energy and return our military to protecting liberty of Americans, not foreign oil. Lets have the debate in the halls of our government. Should Oil drive national interest? What humanitarian tragedies invoke and warrant military involvement? These are good open debate topics and I think we can find a better answer to engagement through discussion of multiple Senators. Unfortunately, we have two parties that cannot solve immigration in 7 years, budgets and food in 5. Proactive conversations on military positions maybe asking a lot of two parties who fundamentally despise each other. Time to change America or expect more confusion, delay and dysfunction. Next, Congress declares war/not the President. These Presidents declare the beginning of too many engagements that become “Wars”. We may need to amend the Constitution to declare all forms of “Offensive” military engagements as “War” and require Congressional approval. The Republicans are crying foul of Obama’s actions yet they vote to go on recess for 5 weeks while our National Guard is deployed, ISIS is on a rapid terror across Northern Iraq, and kids are dying across the Southwest. Hypocitical would be the term I would use as we look at history of Republican Presidents abusing the same rules of engagement. Time to get off the beach/stumping for your friends and get back to work. We have plenty of problems that need work to only be in session a quarter of the year. It is time to do the job you were paid to do. I don’t need to hear about your concerns on regulations affecting the needlepoint industry at home when we have National Security issues in emergency mode around the globe. We need to debate rules of engagement and national interest to clearly establish our cause and rules of engagement we want from our military. We are in a dangerous domestic situation financially (another issue they need to work on promptly) and we need to be prudent on what engagements we entangle ourselves in. Our deficits clearly demonstrate that Republicans add to deficits with war and Democrats add to them by welfare. Both Parties need containment from limitless ambition of world influence or grand societal creations. This country is about liberty to citizens, not fulfilling the ambitions of our Presidents and their donor base. As a last point, Im thankful to not have the binding grip of Big Oil PACs to buy the ads that motivate the electorate. My family will not be suckered by nice ads at the cost of policy enforcement for the ad buyers that hurt our citizens. Long live Ethanol and all sources of Domestic Energy. God bless our military! One of my best friends in college has served our nation in the International waters next to Iran. He has sacrificed more time away from his family than I have in this campaign. Im honored to take on this fight while seeing my family most nights. He is sacrificing so much more. Im fighting for you to get you home to your wife and kids. Your role as a husband/dad/defender of freedom is more important that supervising tanker after tanker of oil traveling next to Iran. Your loyalty to the cause of freedom is there. My job is to define what your cause should be (It’s not foreign oil transport). Im happy to support all forms of domestic energy so you dont have to support your sons and daughters protecting minerals in the ground and their transportation around the world for the well-being of the second largest donor base in American politics. Stay conservative--ditch the major driver of Republican power--Oil Companies. Its about liberty of all citizens, not power of parties and donor bases. God Bless America!
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 19:32:38 +0000

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