Common Erors (spot that error)! Heres some guidance on how to - TopicsExpress


Common Erors (spot that error)! Heres some guidance on how to divide Māori words, from page 22 of our Conventions document. The following should be written as two (or three) words: hau kāinga ‘original home’ (not haukāinga) heke iho ‘descend, downwards’ (not hekeiho) inā hoki ‘for, inasmuch as’ (not ināhoki) inā rā ‘for, inasmuch as’ (not inārā) i te mea ‘because’ (not itemea) i tua atu ‘beyond, over and above’ (not i tuaatu, i tuatu) me te mea (nei) ‘as if’ (not metemea) nā te mea ‘because’ (not nātemea) nē rā? ‘isn’t that so?’ (not nērā?) nō te mea ‘because’ (not nōtemea) nā reira ‘therefore’ (not nāreira) nō reira ‘therefore’ (not nōreira) noa atu ‘quite’ (not noaatu, noatu) noa iho ‘only’ (not noaiho, noiho) pae tukutuku ‘website’ (not paetukutuku) papa kāinga ‘settlement’ (not papakāinga) rā anō (modifier) (not rānō) rā ia (modifier) (not rāia) rā pea (modifier) (not rāpea) rawa atu ‘very’ (not rawaatu, rawatu) tuku iho ‘handed down’ (not tukuiho) wā kāinga ‘original home’ (not wākāinga) The following should be written as one word: ehara (various meanings) (not e hara) heoi, heoti ‘well, however’ (not he oi, he oti) hoatu, hoake ‘go’ (not ho atu, ho ake) homai, hoatu ‘give’ (not ho mai, ho atu) hōmai, hōatu ‘give’ (not hō mai, hō atu) kāpā ‘it is not as if’ (not kā pā) kāpātau ‘if, but if’ (not kā pā tau) mehemea ‘if’ (not me he mea) otiia ‘however’ (not oti ia) otirā ‘however’ (not oti rā)
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 03:11:59 +0000

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