Communication Gap and the Le63m to Parliamentarians in - TopicsExpress


Communication Gap and the Le63m to Parliamentarians in the Fight Against Ebola (EBOLA TEST CHARGE) The Government of Sierra Leone in its drive and endeavour to eradicate the DEADLY EBOLA SCOURGE has been making all efforts to ensure that Ebola becomes something of the past. In its relentless efforts in making sure that the human security of it citizenry is upheld, the Government has been finding ways and means to raise funds, logistics and other logistical supports in order to control the spread and contact of the disease. In a democratic termth, a government of a nation should take the challenge to update and inform the her people on situation regarding threats and other menace they face. When government creates communication gap, it employs series of deceptive perception, provocative opinions which sometimes produce lack of trust in governance approaches; and also, undermines the integrity of their administration. Ebolas nature is democratic, it has no barrier; no age; does not diagnose rich from poor; black, white, Asian or coloured; giant, dwarf or midget, president or trader, doctor, engineer or lawyer etc; it hits everyone if strict and intensified preventive measures are not taken by self. The Government should be a passive listener to the voice of the peoples, and seek not to silence. With our honest view and opinion, the government has not been adequately informing the people on issues they need to know which can help reduce suspicion, ill-thoughts and ill-perception, which may help to bring everyone in Sierra Leone to collectively join the FIGHT. It has been revealed to this NETWORK, that the monies and other supports the government has been receiving is being utilized well and in the interest of every Sierra Leonean. This has urged this Network to join the government and other government to cry out for supports as the country need adequate and substantive amount of monies and other medic/nutrition supports to finally put Ebola behind our backs. People in the country may want to ask the question WHY? WHY about WHAT? Government spends over $500 for tests and confirmation of every patient that is said to be infected with the virus. Taking into consideration the increasing number, the death statistics and those of whom are presently on treatment and the suspected cases; one would ascertain the level of pressure the government is going through in order to save lives of its citizenship and other nationals. $500 is such a very high amount for Sierra Leones living standard, and it is a test of significance. It is good to give out these kinds of information to the public which will also help the general public to know the severity of Ebola; that one, it is an expensive disease that have the potentials to threaten our reserve wall; and two, it has a negative effect in production and population which kills a countrys socio-economic wall. Now that this disclosure has been made, it is time for the nation to collectively put hands on deck to ensure that the government get the appropriate supports needed in the eradication of Ebola. The donations coming from different sphere of quarters is less considerable to what the government is projecting at for the control and eradication of this disease. It is quite provocative for bigger institutions holding our finances in custody with not much expected delivery, such as NASSIT, donating Le100m after holding thousand of Sierra Leonean employees monies, doing nothing satisfactorily evidential. This is our money, let there be a seal by government, instructing them to remit to the Ebola funds, It is our money and should be utilized in this favour. Employees are being infected and died leaving and forfeiting their NASSIT. Why should not Government take reasonable amount from our NASSIT OSUSU which will close the gap of its projected target. Freetown is such an enclosed and overcrowded city and the possibility for Ebola to devastate Freetown population is highly risked. NASSIT and likes will sit, keep and personally utilized our monies until we die and leave the money for vultures and bedbugs. Ebola is nothing to smile about it should be treated with radical and aggressive approach. It is such a shameless disease that like its name to be aired and heard everywhere. You tune BBC, SLBC, Radio Democracy, Star Radio, CNN, ALJAZEERA, Ghettos, bars, offices, transports etc; its news and identity is everywhere. You know people whose names are everywhere what identity they portray, thats why a particular ethnic group in Sierra Leone highly protects their names and that their 1st priority. You know them. The issue of denial should be treated with a communist approach, where one be slashed on his/her bare buttocks, or spring-up and down pump one hundred times. In a crisis and emergency period, drastic measures should also be taken as a measure in order to control distractions and misleading paths which may hinder all efforts other quarters are making. We have international volunteers who have been risking their lives just to save poor innocent lives, while other detractors are misguiding and poisoning shadowed minds about it existence, behaviours and severity. The PRESIDENT CAMPAIGN EFFICIENT AND EFFECTIVE COORDINATION should be intensified. The government should look for priority areas where monies are to be spent, not like the blunder they made by giving Le63millions each to Parliamentarians. Why do Parliamentarians be given such a huge amount to go talk to their people who voted them in? It is ridiculous. They were voted into Parliament to provide security for their people and to ensure that the voices of the peoples are taken into consideration in the running of the country. Should my father be hired or coaxed before discharging his parental obligation or responsibilities? We voted them in and what our expectation in return is to seek our interests and different opinions in Parliament for a rebrand Sierra Leone. They are having other supports and allocation from the consolidated funds such as sitting fees which considerable high for Sierra Leones standard. Since some of these Honourables were voted for, they have never visited their constituencies; and for those of whom were residing in their constituencies communities immediately before and after election have absconded and changed locations to another part of the world in Salone including mobile numbers. This is one of the main reasons why government is not achieving its goals in providing and achieving the reach of adequate basic facilities in communities, because those policy-makers who should ensure that things work in their constituencies communities have escaped from their responsibilities. Now, they sit out there eating Ebola supports. Hint: The Le63million support given to each Parliamentarian was singlehandedly chopped by themselves: HOW? You can cross-check my facts>>>>> Business people, especially foreign traders such as Lebanese, Indians; and other multinational groups donated items that were distributed as support from Parliamentarians. The Councils were to team up with Parliamentarians, but were just ordinarily invited during presentations. In the Makeni City, one of the Parliamentarians managed to give out of shame 20,000,000.00 as Parliamentary supports. I strongly challenge that every Parliamentarians has been receiving and received monies from private, NGOs, multinational, foreign investments, International agencies, diplomatic corps etc, after begging and lobbying IRO the Ebola menace, but never return and report to the beneficiaries. 92% of our parliamentarians received government money for this Ebola campaign did not spend more than 10,000,000.00; 4% less 15,000,000; 2% less 20,000,000.00; and 2% less 25,000,000.00. The Strategy theyve introduced is whenever there are community awareness raising on Ebola, they go there but small items of buckets, soups, chlorine, join the them with the huge items of donation made by these philanthropists groups, and of course, they are the Honourable and they have to give talk, that is the time they boldly pretend as all provided is from the supports been provided by Government. It is bad. Some are not just worry about going to their constituencies, and the monies have enjoyably utilized by self. Instead of monies giving to less performers and heartless individuals in Parliament for Ebola campaign, those monies should have given for the treatment and welfare to suspected cases, quarantine cases, observation, In-treatment cases and confirmed victims. Feedback from our visits in the different location where Ebola cases are being located, death occurrence is high, because of proper welfare; some patients do not have beds to be admitted, Patients sometimes sleep on exposed floor and in the opens lack of required and adequate nutrition and food, poor motivation and protection for medical personnel and volunteers ( some of these cases are not Ebola cases and some are the early stage of the Ebola, but deteorate and ended up dying as a result of the care and protection they get from the centres. This Network is not decrying the efforts of stakeholders, but it should be brought to the notice of the government as it could be someone tomorrow, or someones loved one. Let us take a scenario, where a father had an experience with his daughter suffering from the disease, then every day he sees her daughter lying waiting for the worst, crying, seeking for love and care, you seeing her; and in that moment and situation, you decided not to touch her, not to interact with her, not to embrace her, not to courage and hug her.... what would you do.... this is the saddest moment of Ebola, we must come out with the truth which can also help to control the spread. We must accept that Ebola is here and it has cause so much of sadness and sorrows in our nation. Let take the COLLECTIVE RESPONSIBILTY to KICK EBOLA out of SALONE. This is the reason why the government should be very selective in its strategies in the eradication of Ebola, conscious of VALUE FOR MONEY. On behalf of OMEGA FAMILY, may I say Rest in Peace Late Madam Hajaratu Serry, SRN, who passed away Monday 1st September 2014 with pregnancy in active service. Her death occurred in Freetown as a result of the Ebola Scourge, and was attached to the Connaught Hospital. EBOLA IS REAL and IT KILLS. OVER AND OUT!
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 12:21:00 +0000

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