Communist Party of Greece (KKE) Responds To Greek Elections - TopicsExpress


Communist Party of Greece (KKE) Responds To Greek Elections January 25th THE far-left Syriza party continues to hold a small but steady lead in the polls ahead of Greece’s election on January 25th. Yet Alexis Tsipras, the firebrand Syriza leader, has been toning down his anti-European rhetoric. He now says no “unilateral” decisions will be taken on Greece’s obligations to its creditors, a signal that a Syriza government would not surprise markets with an immediate default. economist/news/europe/21638199-syriza-edges-closer-victory-uncertainty-over-its-coalition-partner-crowded-field Communist Party of Greece (KKE): Our party, with important struggles and mass propaganda work, is demonstrating to the workers that whatever formula of bourgeois management is followed inside the framework of the EU, NATO and the capitalist development path, this will not be in the interests of the workers and other popular strata. The solution is to strengthen the KKE everywhere, in the parliament, in order to empower the people’s struggle and pave the way for radical changes. What the people must do is create preconditions in society to pave the way for a unilateral cancellation of the debt, Greece’s disengagement from the EU and NATO, the creation of an economy that operates based on the people’s needs, and not for the profitability of capital. This requires workers’-people’s power. The regroupment of the labour-people’s movement is a precondition for this, as well as the formation of the people’s alliance of the working class with the other popular strata, something that can happen through the decisive strengthening of the KKE. (Interview of Giorgos Marinos, member of the Political Bureau of the Coordinating Committee of the Communist Party of Greece)
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 00:36:28 +0000

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