Communist traitor and their deeds of the past, we often - TopicsExpress


Communist traitor and their deeds of the past, we often forget. 1. Communists are known for speaking in many voices if it suits their interest. Contrary to the Marxian dictum -’religion is the opium of people’ their softness towards the religious obscurantism of the Muslims exposed their intellectual hypocrisy and puzzled the people of India. 2. The Communists attempt to ‘ape Russia and China’ for everything. 3. It is said, if there is rain in Moscow or China, Indian Communists open their umbrellas. 4. Communist never opposed collaborative relation between China and Pakistan, which was basically to precipitate chaotic conditions in secular India. 5. For Communists Indian nationalism is bourgeois nationalism but Russian/Chinese nationalism for them is proletarian nationalism. 6. “Once the Marxist bug bites a person, he dumps nationalism and cuts himself off from his civilization heritage”. 7. For Communist concept of nationalism is synonymous to Hinduism and therefore they opposed the efforts of nationalist forces to promote its spirit among the countrymen during freedom movement. 8. Hate-Hindu campaign became program for Communist and they always targeted the nationalist forces as their enemy. 9. The Communists described the nationalist movement for freedom as collaboration of National Bourgeoisie with ‘fascism’ and therefore supported the war efforts of ‘British Bureaucracy. 10. The Communists floated multi-national theory in support of two-nation theory propagated by the Muslim League. 11. Theoretically Communist believes in social equality but in practice they purge their opponents once they are in political power. 12. Communist justifies use of violence to propagate their doctrine. 13. Communists’ leadership continued to remain confined to English educated minority group, who remained unconscious of the pre-medieval glorious history of India. 14. Communism failed everywhere in the world, but its followers in India are still hoping against hope to revive it by entrenching the Indian polity with their divisive tactics. 15. It was a historical coincidence that the Communist movement followed the Muslim communalists’ movement for separatism launched during the freedom struggle against British colonialism. 16. Ever since the Communist Party of India (CPI) was born in mid 1920s it had been trying to keep the Muslim mind confused over pre-Islamic past of this country. 17. The Communists equated the controversial Aryan invasion theory as well as forceful eviction of Dravidians to the South that was propounded by the historians of the West with the Muslim invaders and persecution of the Hindus. 18. Banking on the European account of Indian History the Communists argue that if Muslim invaders like Arabs, Turks, Central Asians, Afghans or Persians were outsiders, Hindus too were not the indigenous people of this land as they were also the descendants of Aryan invaders from outside? 19. The most grotesque decision was to send its (CPI) Muslim members to enter the ranks of Muslim League(Pakistan: Military Rule or Peoples Power by Tariq Ali, London 1970, page 31). The CPI had entered the Muslim League in order to strengthen the bourgeois faction in the League against the feudal landlords, a plan perfectly in keeping with Stalins theory of revolution by stages (Ibid. Page 32). The manifesto of the Punjab Muslim League was written by a well known Indian Communist lawyer, Daniyal Latifi(Ibid.). 20. The CPI while supporting the division of India even appreciated the Muslim Leagues co-operative attitude towards the British war efforts against Hitler, which it had earlier termed as Imperialist War. Its support to Pakistan movement therefore was a support to Muslim separatism. For the CPI loyalty to Soviet Russia was more important than to free the country from the British. Their support to British war efforts was factually a response to the call of Soviet Russia to the Communists all over the world following Hitlers attack on it. 21. The CPI leaders supported Pakistan movement by organising processions and demonstrations in its favour. In mid forties E.M.S. Namboodaripad led processions of Muslims along with A.K.Gopalan (both of them were leaders of the CPI) shouting Pakistan Zindabad and Mophlastan Zindabad. No wonder, therefore, that Khwaja Ahmed Abbas, himself a leftist, had to say that India was killed by the CPI which provided the Muslim separatists with an ideological basis (Pakistan: From Jinnah to Jehad by S.K.Datta and Rajeev Sharma, 2002, Page 18). 22. India was partitioned but the CPI did not get any dividend to establish dictatorship of proletariat. The party cadres were badly treated by Muslim League Government in Pakistan and were uprooted from there. Pakistan dealt with Communists very sternly. 23. Dr.Ashraf and Mr. Sajjad Zahir who went to Pakistan from India to give a momentum to communist movement there landed up directly in jail. It took ten years to get out of jail and they chose to return to India (Muslim Politics in India by Hamid Dalwai, Hind Pocket Books, page 58). 24. The CPI did not take any lesson from the treatment its cadres received in Pakistan. Instead they adopted a new strategy to reiterate the dangers of Hindu nationalists in post-partition India and induced a fear psychosis in the Muslim masses, who stayed back in India. They carried forward the legacy of their alignment with AIML and launched a systematic campaign to mould national opinion to justify the communal grievances of the Muslims by maintaining a hard attitude against the cultural tradition of India. They continued supporting the historical violence perpetrated by Islamic invaders and subsequent Muslim rulers on the Hindu natives as a part of policy to placate the Muslim communalists. They never raised any voice against the obsessed mindset of feudal and elite section of Muslims for political domination over the Hindus rather preferred to glorify the Islamic rule in the country. 25. Marxist historians, who maintained their hegemony in authoring the school textbooks during long period of Congress rule, masked the barbaric role of Muslim invaders in India and were reticent to portray their bigotry against the Hindus. They preferred to paint destruction of Hindu temples more for economic motivation than iconoclasm. Portraying the exclusivist and totalitarian ideology of communalist Muslims as ideology for social equality they feel proud in tarnishing the cultural tradition of this country. It became a ritual for them to denounce Hindu nationalists as major cause behind any communal riot. They however, closed their eyes when there was a nation level war cry against Supreme Court verdict in Shahbano case. 26. In post-colonial India too the aspiration of the Muslim communalists for distinct and sovereign political identity remained intact. Both the CPI and the CPIM supported such mindset of Muslim communalists by giving substantial share of political power to Indian Union Muslim League (IUML), the post-partition incarnation of AIML in coalition Government in Kerala. They also worked together with IUML to create a new Muslim majority district in Malabar and named it Malapuram(Communism in Indian Politics by Bhabani Sen Gupta, Columbia University Press, 1972,Page 188). In 1980s Indian Muslims gave moral support to U.S.A. in its military adventure against Soviet occupation of Afghanistan but the CPI and the CPIM remained indifferent on this issue. They however, fully supported the Indian Muslims in their war cry against American attack on Taliban Government in Afghanistan in the new millennium. 27. The Muslims of West Bengal aligned with Communists particularly the CPIM since the decline of Congress in mid 1960s. On the eve of 1969 midterm Assembly election, the state secretariat of the party received reports from all of its district units, which revealed one common feature - that the agriculture labour and poor peasants, non-Bengali workers, and Muslim masses have in a big way swung towards the United Front especially to the CPI (M)(Communism in Indian Politics by Bhabani Sen Gupta, Columbia University Press, 1972,Page 247). 28. The secret of Marxist Government in West Bengal lies with the electoral support of the Muslims, who constitute about twentyfive percent of the electorate. It recommended deletion of certain discussions about medieval period. In 1989 the West Bengal Secondary Board under a Marxist Government issued a circular dated 28 April 1989 (Number Syl/89/1) which recommended the deletion of most discussions about the medieval period because it was too controversial (Islamisation of Pakistan by Y.C.Ross, 2003, New Delhi, page 16-17). Its silence over unabated Muslim infiltration from Bangladesh is only to improve its votes even at the cost of national interest. Communist regime in West Bengal and Tripura allowed infiltration of Muslims from Bangladesh. Even today the Marxists are behaving like a proxy government and forcing the UPA Government for detoxification of Indian history only to please the Muslims. 29. The cozy relation of Communists with Muslim/Christians shows their preference to the authoritarian concept of religious exclusivism than the democratic concept of Hinduism that believes in the concept of religious inclusivism. In an interview to the Hindu (Hindu dated 15 August, 2004) Communist Party of India (Marxist) Polit Bureau member Prakash Karat said, there was a national trend of various Christian denominations to talk to the CPIM and invites its leaders to forums of the Church. Even today the UPA Government under the pressure of Communists stopped the publication of a book on the contribution of primary teachers in freedom movement, which was to be published by the H.R.D. Ministry of previous NDA Government (Pioneer dated August 17, 2004). 30. The agenda of the Leftists is seemingly not only to placate the communalist Muslims but also to provide uninterrupted lifeline to them for pursuing their movement for separatism. Their confrontation with nationalist historians on this issue still continues. Muslim historians of Pakistan on the other hand re-wrote the history textbooks for school with hate-Hindu actions of Muslims as triumph of Islam over Kafirs (Non-believers). 31. The experience of over last 57 years of Independence shows that the Communists in alliance with Muslim communalists constantly believed the medieval period of Islamic ascendancy in south Asia as part of their historical legacy. They did not like to understand the reality that Indian sub-continent had to pay heavy price of losing the lives of its 1.5 million populations for it. They did not realise that creation of modern political nationality in India could be possible only due to preservation of the thousands of years of collective consciousness towards spiritual and cultural unity of this country which was a remote possibility in Islamic India. Instead of strengthening this reality they preferred to amalgamate the power hungry forces together as liberal bourgeois, who are popularly known as secularists. As a part of power politics the forces of liberal bourgeois encouraged the movement for Muslim communalism which provoked the traditionally tolerant Indian society to revive the movement for Hindutva.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 12:29:58 +0000

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