Community Impact News which takes advertising from local - TopicsExpress


Community Impact News which takes advertising from local municipalities then shills for them did an article this month on Michael Morris, who is the Director of Transportation for the North Central Texas Council of Governments. Im not sure why CIN wants to highlight an un-elected federal bureaucrat responsible for bringing us toll roads and TexRail but here is my response to CIN. This is the guy we have to beg to fund the Highway 26 project to the full 6 lanes that was originally approved and funded. Its disappointing that you chose to feature Michael Morris in your latest issue. Morris is an un-elected federal bureaucrat dictating transportation strategy in our region with no accountability to the voter/taxpayer. He wields his considerable power to bully municipalities to beg for transportation funds and prioritizes projects that meet his liberal, big-government requirements. Just last year he had to publicly apologize for labeling opponents of one of his pet projects as white and wealthy, who dont even live in the neighborhood suggesting that project opponents were somehow opposing his project on racial/socioeconomic grounds. Morris is personally responsible for the proliferation of toll roads, and the ridiculous TexRail project that will cost taxpayers $1B yet has no actual traffic or environmental benefit. The MPOs need to be reformed (or eliminated) and transportation budgets put back in the hands of elected local officials who answer to the taxpayer so they can implement transportation solutions appropriate to their communites without the help of federal bureaucrats. Texans want local control, we dont want more tolls roads, and we dont want transit solutions that are wasteful and do nothing but keep powerful bureaucrats like Mr. Morris employed with ridiculous pensions and flush with taxpayer dollars to waste. Chris Putnam, Colleyville City Council
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 18:18:36 +0000

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