Community Literacy Program, offered each winter and spring, links - TopicsExpress


Community Literacy Program, offered each winter and spring, links English 298A with English 491 (Internship). This may be used toward the ELS minor. In English 298A students meet twice weekly on campus (MW 11:30-1:20) in a seminar focused on learning effective teaching and tutoring methods, exploring some central challenges and opportunities for public education, and using writing and presentation to inquire into, develop and communicate their thinking about these issues. English 298A includes individual revision conferences to discuss drafts of paper with the instructor, and offers writing projects focused on education-related careers and graduate school applications in partnership with the UW Career Center. English 298 is an Interdisciplinary Writing Course which may be used toward either the C (composition) or the W (additional writing) requirement. (Students may take up to three IWP courses, so students may register for Community Literacy Program even if theyve previously taken other IWP or Composition courses at UW.) In English 491C (Internship;C/NC), students put what they learn on campus into action, volunteering (4-5 hours a week, on a schedule they arrange) at a CLP partner high needs public school in north Seattle. English 491 may be used toward the field work requirement or as an elective in the Education, Learning and Society Minor, and provides documentation of school-based experience needed for application to Teacher Education programs. For add codes and with questions: contact CLP Director Elizabeth Simmons-ONeill, [email protected].
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 17:28:11 +0000

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