Community member post! I love my 79 year old mother, soon to be - TopicsExpress


Community member post! I love my 79 year old mother, soon to be eighty in a few months. We’ve always been really close and I am now her caregiver. However, lately she’s been trying to drive me crazy. She’s very feisty and is so afraid someone is trying to control her. I’ve always been pretty organized, so I try really hard to use my strengths to make things very easy for her. I tell her she’s the boss woman and I’m her assistant. However, she goes through these stages where she has an opposite response about anything I say and tries to change up her routines (i.e., the times she takes her medication). She’ll even read the PDR or an instruction about some medication she’s been taking for years, and think it’s bad for her, though she mostly does not have the symptoms. The way her doctor has prescribed her meds has brought positive results. But every now and then she’ll switch when she takes them, or she’ll purposely putt off taking one. What drives me crazy is when she says I said or did something I did not do. She’s not mean spirited with it, but just really annoying. Today, she adamantly argued she had a chicken thigh left over in the fridge when I knew it was a slice of meat loaf. She stuck with what she thought, until she had to wheelchair herself into the kitchen to look in the fridge to see the truth. She’ll often mess up anywhere I’ve just cleaned up, and she’ll also mistake past events with present day events, as if she’s lost a day in between. Her timing gets messed up….I don’t know possibly because of her blood pressure meds (she takes four different kinds). She’s been given a dementia test recently and her doctor says she does not have it and should have no problem remembering her meds. How in the world do others deal with someone trying to take charge, but gets stuff all mixed up? She’s elderly on meds, yet will still argue that I’m mistaken about many things. Sometimes, I could just scream, but I love her dearly. Her personality is very phlegmatic, laid back, and her favorite phrase is “don’t worry about it.” Ughhhh!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 15:52:03 +0000

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