Communtiga baldhan ee uk iyo Shacbi waynaha beesha direed ee - TopicsExpress


Communtiga baldhan ee uk iyo Shacbi waynaha beesha direed ee london iyo guud ahaan dlaka somaliya waxaay si wada jira u canbareynayaan cid kasta oo ka danbaysay falkii Argagaxisadda ee West get shoopping centre in Nairobi Waxaan si kuluul u canbaraynaynaa gar aniga Huseein M Hassan falkaas wax shinimadda ah ee ee aay la egteen dadka masakinta ah ee aan waxba galabsan ee naftodii qaliga ahayd ku wayay goobtasi dillayna 69 qofod oo aan wax danbiya galabsan ilahay ha u naxristo kuwa dilaynna markaannu si fican u oganno cidda ay yihiin in tallabo laga qado si wada jira gar,ahan culuma udiinka iyo indheergaratada somaliyeed waxaan ku burinaya in loo guntado sidii geeska afrika loga hortagi lahaa argagaxisanimadda caruurta somaliyeedna loga sarri laha kuwa maskaxda laga xaday tasoo xanuun wayn nagu haysa hadannu nahay ummadda somaliyeed. Adunka waxaan ka codsanayna in cidammo Chanisa iyo Kuwa Somaliland loo soo dirro guud ahaan somaliya si loo safeyo Argagaxisadda Allshabaab iyo kuwa Tagerayasha u ah ee ku dhumanaya muqdisho Eng Hussein Madaxwaynne Hassan Sheekh Axmed The president of the Federal Republic of Somalia, H.E. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud today sent his condolences to the families of the victims of an attack against a shopping centre in Nairobi. "We in Somalia know only too well the human costs of violence like this," the President said. "Our prayers today are with our brothers and sisters in Kenya. We also send a strong message of solidarity with the Kenyan government, our valued partners in the campaign to bring peace to Somalia. These heartless acts against defenceless civilians, including innocent children, are beyond the pale and cannot be tolerated. We stand shoulder to shoulder with Kenya in its time of grief for these lives lost and the many injured." Somalia Mall Standoff Continues Into Second Day The Kenyan security forces and attackers who stormed the Westgate Mall still continues as the second day starts in … see more » mThe president of the Federal Republic of Somalia, H.E. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud today sent his condolences to the families of the victims of an attack against a shopping centre in Nairobi. "
Posted on: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 23:28:20 +0000

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