Company for Christmas by Chris Bellamy Chapter 5 Chapter 5: - TopicsExpress


Company for Christmas by Chris Bellamy Chapter 5 Chapter 5: Christmas morning I woke up pretty early, I guess it was around 7:00-ish. “Mornin Chester,” I said. Aint it exciting! We got puppies for Christmas!” I went into the den to check on Ms. Sweetie and her pups. Everybody was awake and nursing up a storm. Skipper was sitting there watching them! I think he’d fallen in love with the whole crowd. Chester came up to the den from the bed room and wanted to go out. Skipper was getting the same idea. In my haste to get to the pups I hadnt looked out the door. We had snow! A big snow for this area…about a foot or more! Chester and Skipper went out in the back yard. This cold air made them frisky! I put my white boots on, got my old Dream Lady II boat jacket and went out under the shed to get them rigged up and put some food in their bowls. I had a bunch of wood split up under the shed so we’d have dry fire wood. It sure was pretty here on Middle Sound! It dont matter much to me whether its summer or winter. Everybody around here pretty much loves it back here. Right now, it was a beautiful winter wonder-land for sure! It was a rare sight for this place! It looked like something right out of an L.L. Bean magazine! I let Chester and Skipper stay out for a little while and then went back in to see what I could do for Ms. Sweetie. I freshened up her water and got her some more food. She got down on it pretty good since she was eating for her and her pups. They were so cute and looked like little brown fur balls! They were already trying to move around. I needed to get them off of that ottoman so they wouldn’t fall off. I also needed to get that ottoman out of the house. I’d work on it later. I needed a big box or something to put them in so Ms. Sweetie could leave them without them wandering off. Christmas morning, everything was closed and we had snow on the road, plus, it was about 26 degrees outside! The road was guaranteed to be slick so I went back to the spare bedroom thinking to myself, “I know I have somethin in here thatll work.” And there it old card board guitar case I’d been meaning to through away for a while now. I took it in the kitchen and laid it on the kitchen table. Now, to adapt and rig this little project! I had my pliers from my gig bag and so using them, I took the hinges off and got rid of the top. Then, I cut me a door and made a hinge out of duck tap from my gig bag as well. I had the towels from the night before and they were still fine. Then, I went in to where Ms. Sweetie was and sat down with her. I petted her and loved on her some so hopefully she’d trust me to move her and her puppies. She seemed pretty happy so I gently slide the ottoman over to the couch. Now I had to get her on to the couch. Hmmm? I sat down on the couch first. “Sweetie,” I said. “Girl...we’ve got to move y’all so you’ll be more comfortable.” So, I kind of cradled her from underneath from her back while she was still lying down. She got a little nervous at first but, so good. All the puppies were still nursing so I just slid her and the nursing puppies off of the ottoman right on to the couch, slick as glass, just like that! The ottoman wasn’t messed up really all that bad. That ottoman had probably had worse things than that on it along the way over the years back in my partying days! But I took it out side and stuck it under the shed anyway. Skipper and Chester were still checking out the snow so they were occupied pretty good right now. I went back in and got the custom made guitar case dog bed. I got it fixed up near the wood stove but not right at it so Sweetie and her pups wouldn’t get too hot. It looked like the wood stove was gonna be going for some days to come with what was on the ground outside. The puppies were starting to lay off mama a little. Maybe now was a good time to move everybody to the guitar case dog bed. There were two puppies that werent nursing right at that moment, so, I carefully put them in their new bed. Sweetie was watching but she was O.K. She began to want to move so I gently lifted the third pup up and put it in the bed with its brothers or sisters or whatever they were. I didn’t know how to tell on a brand new puppy so that would have to wait for now. Ms. Sweetie got up on her feet for the first time. I helped her off the couch even though she probably didn’t need it. She drank a bunch more of her water and ate some more food. She didn’t act like she wanted to go out so I didn’t push it. She got back in there with the puppies. They all got situated. Before you know it, they were all sound asleep. Ill post chapter 6 on Sunday 12/21/2014 Hope yall enjoy this story. It may become a holiday tradition! God Bless everybody:)!
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 17:20:56 +0000

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