Comparison of Mark 6 vs Bride (Elect) of God - TopicsExpress


Comparison of Mark 6 vs Bride (Elect) of God !!!! --------------------------------------------------------- This is a comparison of Mark 6 vs Bride (Elect) of God and not saved before who will know their salvation on the day of judgement. 1) Men were “constrained” to get into the ship, every person who is a part of the Bride of Christ was “compelled or driven” to come to Jesus. No one is saved today because they made a choice for Him. If you are saved today it is because He made a choice for you, John 4:4 Now he had to go through Samaria ==> Had TO GO Why did Jesus “have to” go through Samaria when the Jews either didn’t go there at all or passed through as quickly as possible? There was another route he could have taken. but Jesus didnt because he knows there is an ELECT SAMARTIAN WOMEN he has to visit and lighten her soul Like wise He Loved US, He Elected us before the foundation of the World.... 2) HE Sends US ---> Just like the disciples, He has started us on a journey. We are not headed to the other side of the lake; we are headed to Heaven via this trial period in the earth. We are headed to a home of peace, rest and beauty that He is preparing there for us, John 14:1-3. Obstacles in the Middle, but remember God is watching. Storm in the Middle, but remember it CANNOT destroy you Fear in the Middle, but remember God says DONT be AFRAID Feals God is LEFT us ALONE, but remember God NEVER does that..He is always there and looking after you... Death Valley in the Middle, but remember As David we will PASS THROUGH the Valley of Death....It is not Death but Valley of Death....From one road to another... 3) He Sustains His Bride --> Our struggles do not go unnoticed! The Lord Jesus sees everything we face and He sustains us through the stormy seas of this life. 4) By His Power --> Jesus knows how to calm His Bride in the storms she faces too. He is able to come to His church and whisper peace to her in the midst of her trials 5) Mark says IMMEDIATELY he talked with them. He will teach us through his words. 6) Fouth Watch he came not first watch...We are living the last dispensation...We are living in the end of the world..End of the bride age... Mark says “immediately He talked with them.” Matthew says, “straightway Jesus spake unto them” (Matt 14:27). John says, “He saith unto them” (John 6:20). It ought to be noted that Jesus came to the disciples during “the fourth watch” (Matt 14:25; Mk 6:48). So for Sure He is in this Hour, this age, this evil age...Dont Worry..... 7) BE OF GOOD CHEER. Both Matthew and Mark record this word: “Be of good cheer.” An alternate reading is “Take courage,” or ”Take heart,” and “Be of good comfort.” He was saying “Do not be afraid of the storm!” “Do not be afraid of Me!” This saying is equivalent to “Fear not: believe only” (Lk 8:50). How can those who are afraid suddenly become courageous? The answer is in the Word of the Master, which brings grace and power with it to the hearer. 8) Remember he says I which denotes a deepest relationship and love...We usually says to our child or most lovable person that I will do that... IT IS I. He only says, “It is I!” Matthew, Mark, and John all include this word. It is the language of the Shepherd to the sheep, and the sheep “know His voice” (John 10:4,27). They recognize it just as surely as Mary, who thought she was being confronted with the gardener when she came to the empty tomb. Yet, when the Master spoke her name, she knew who He was (John 20:15-16). 9) Remember there is a voice of God....God reveals from heaven through his word..... Here is an aspect of hearing the One who “speaketh from heaven” that is especially refreshing (Heb 12:25). Jesus will identify Himself to the attentive heart that remains alert to Him, even during the storms and difficulties of life. The awareness that the Lord is with you, even while the storm is raging, is sufficient to calm the heart. Are you blind to His person, His power and His potential? Are you burdened today? The Lord knows and He cares. Bring your storm to Him and let Him give you the peace you seek Are you a part of the Bride? Keep looking up, my friends, Jesus is coming for His people.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 04:38:55 +0000

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