Compassionate and caring God, you continue to look past our faults - TopicsExpress


Compassionate and caring God, you continue to look past our faults and our transgressions. Your mercies are new every morning. You have loved us when we were unlovable. You have been understanding when we have been misunderstood. You see the best in us when others would deem us unworthy. Thank you for seeing in us what others cannot see, for not giving up on us when others would think that we are hopeless. Thank you for giving us another chance. Amen. The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus 1 Timothy 1:12-20 { Have you ever known someone whose life took a dramatic turn for the better? They kicked the habit, got out of prison, removed themselves from an abusive relationship, or stopped being abusive. They conquered depression, cancer, or just decided to become a better human being? Have you ever noticed how some people will tend to remind them of what is in their past instead of dealing with them as they are presently? Isnt it good to know that God wipes the slate clean. Our mistakes are a thing of the past. God looks at the heart not judging us solely on our acts. We as Christians should treat others accordingly with the same mercy, understanding and compassion.{ The God of Second Chances.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 08:46:57 +0000

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