Complaints before USA Congress. . 7. January. 2015. Dear - TopicsExpress


Complaints before USA Congress. . 7. January. 2015. Dear Congress of United States of America, dear Supreme Court of United States of America it is my honour to lodge complaints before you on United States of America and X or Y, who keep sabotaging my legitimate rights of free speech, who showed me in my dreams a NAZI SOAP and keep closing my email, namely: 1) republicandalucia@gmail 2) republicandalucia@yahoo 3) [email protected] 4) [email protected] 5) andalusrepublic@yahoo it is also my honour to lodges complains to the Congress of United States of America, the main power of our times, to have handed me and my family, in 1958, to Morocco, and to have handed me in september 1973 to France, and to have handed me, in december 1973, to Morocco, and to have handed me in july 1974 to Spain and later to France, and in 1975, to have handed me to Algeria, and in first of january 1976 to have handed me to Belgium, and in 1977, to have handed me to United Kingdom, and in 24 december 1981 to have handed me to Algeria, and in may 1982, to have handed me to Republic of Benin and West Africa and in 1988 to have handed me to Algeria, and in may 1994, after cooking me fine, to have handed me to Mauritania, and in july 1994 to have handed me to Morocco, and now to be cooking me, again, and again, and to be using all sorts of spams, so that I appear to be a dangerous rebel. That is why I have legitimately declared war on you United States of America, and avail myself to declare NULL and VOID all past agreements signed between my Native Americans ancestors and United States of America, because you, United States of America, kept violating them. 1) You violated our agreements and entered war and made rebellion against the British Empire. 2) You have stolen from France La Louisinae and other french Territories. 3) You stolen Alska from the Russian Empire. 4) You invaded Northern Territories of Estados Unidos Mexicanos. 5) You toppled the Kingdom of France. 6) You destroyed the Spanish Empire. 7) You destroyed the Portuguese Empire. 8) You are behind the Titanic Liner Tragedy in 1912. 9) You are behind the First World War 1914 - 1918. 10) You toppled the Russian Empire. 11) You are behind the Balfour declaration of 1917 which caused the tragedy of Palestine, and made the declaration throgh the British Empire, citadel of Human Rights and of Magna Carta and of Conservatives and labour sophisticated ideologies driving us forwards, you made that, so that Humanity, be opposed to the British Empire and that it find itself at war the Arab World, so that it loose its best allies. 12) You destroyed the Otthoman Empire the greatest citadel of planet Earth Civilisation of all times. 13) You destroyed the German Empire and made Germany look as a criminal empire. Germany which has brought to Humanity, Karl Marx and its everest ideology, the ideology of marxism, thanks to which Humanity has made fabulous progress forwads in all fields. You punished Germany by making of it appear as an ugly country. 14) You are behind the Second World War 1938 – 1945. 15) You are behind the Holocaust against the Jewish Nation and the one who ordered Nazi Germany to chamber gaz the peacefull Jewish Nation and its allies. You forced the Jewish nation to found the State of Israel and are blackmailing it and forcing it to be permanently in state of war with its friendly Arab neighbours. 16) You used atomic bombs against peacefull Hiroshima City residents and against peacefull Nagasaki City residents in Empire of Japan. 17) You led the main negotiations between Israel and Arabia and allways driven them to failures and never wanted them to reach success and permanent peace. You toppled the ARAB PEACE INITIATIVE PROPOSED BY KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA AND SUPPORTED BY THE LEAGUE OF ARAB STATES. 18) You destroyed the Belgian Empire. 19) You destroyed the Dutch Empire 20) You destroyed the British Empire. 21) You are behind the Unilateral Declaration of Independence of late Ian Smith leader of Republic of Rhodesia and yet you are the one who toppled Republic of Rhodesia in 1979 and brought an alien government to rule Rhodesia. 22) You are behind the Apartheid System in South Africa and yet you are the one who toppled Apartheid South Africa and brought an alien government to rule South Africa. 23) You are behind the War of Western Sahara. 24) You are behind the disappearance of my Father Lawyer Abadila from Morocco, Africa, in 28 April 1976. 25) You are behind the disappearance of many members of my Civilisation Ad Jeih Al Mokhtaar and behind the disappearance of many of our allies and friends. 26) You are behind the disappearance of El Uali Mustapha Sayed leader of the Polisario Front in 1976 and so many other leaders of Western Sahara. 27) You are behind the disappearance of Olof Palme leader and Prime Minister of Sweden. 28) You are behind the disappearance of Bechir Gemayel president of Lebanon. 29) You are behind the disappearance of Rafiq Al Hariri President of the Council of Minister of Lebanon. 30) You are behind the disappearance of Her Royal Highness Lady Diana the Princess of Wales. 31) You are behind the disappearance of Ragiv Ghandi Prime Minister of India. 32) You are behind the disappearance of John Kennedy president of United States of America. 33) You are behind the disappearance of Ernesto Che Guevara Argentinian Leader who supported the Cuban Revolution. 34) You are behind the disappearance of Thomas Sankara Leader of Burkina Faso. 35) You are behind the disappearance of Anna Lind Leader from Sweden. 36) You are behind the disappearance of Mohammed Budiaf president of Algeria. 37) You are behind the disapperance of Saddam Hussein President of Iraq. 38) You are behind the disappearance of Moammar El Ghadhafi Lybian Leader. 39) You are behind the disappearance of His Royal highness Prince Moulay Abdallah of Morocco. 40) You are behind the disappearance of the Moroccan Third World leader Mehdi ben Barka. 41) You are behind the disappearance of Ishak Rabbin Israel leader who signed peace with Palestine. 42) You are behind the disappearance of Yasser Arafat leader of Palestine. 43) You are behind the disappearance of Cheikh Ahmed Al Haiba. 44) You are behind the disappearnce of my uncle El Fadel. 45) You are behind the disappearance of my Mother Ghalia. 46) You are behind the disappearance of my aunt GAYGA and many other members of my family and friends. 47) You are behind the disappearance of Cheikh Mrabbih Rabbu Cheikh El Uali Cheikh Maa El Aainine. 48) You are behind the disappearance of my best British friend JOHN MERCER WRITER OF THE BEST EVER BOOK ON WESTERN SAHARA NAMELY: SPANISH SAHARA in 1976. 49) You are behind terrorisms in Northern Ireland. 50) You destroyed the Persian Empire. 51) You destroyed the Ethiopian Empire. 52) You toppled the Kingdom of Iraq 53) You toppled the Kingdom of Libya. 54) You are behind the Israel Arabia Conflic. 55) You toppled and destroyed Yugoslavia. 56) You destroyed the South Atlantic Treaty Organization. 57) You made the United Nations Organisation, a useless organization, spying on Humanity. You are using United nations Peace Keeping Forces, to turn you own film of colonizing the world and are using them merely as your military health. You made United Nations Organization worst that its mother Société des Nations. 58) You toppled and destroyed the Warsaw Alliance. 59) You toppled and destroyed the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics C.C.C.P. 60) You destroyed the Western ideals of Human rights, free speech, multiparty democracy and transformed Europe and made of it currently a RACIST CITADEL: THAT YOUR BEST SERVICES TO HUMANITY. You made of North Atlantic Treaty Organization, a NAZI ORGANIZATION, A NAZI SOAP ALLIANCE. 61) You destroyed Middle East. 62) You are detaining right now one of the most saint leaders of all times, namely, the LEADER OF THE MORMON CHURCH. 63) You insult Moslems despise them and ill treat them in Guatanamo Bay, Cuba, and use against Moslems alls sorts of ugly names, they who, served planet Earth Civilisation, in all fields , in particular in the fields of sciences, and it is thanks to them that mathematics had advanced, in particular, algebra, whose name is Arabic. 64) You are the one who programm terrorisms by highly sophisticated computers and use Moslems as tools and masks to commit crimes of terrorisms, so that, you can prepar propaganda grounds, for colonizing, all planet earth, and in particular Asia and Europe, under cover of war against terrorisms. 65) You are behind the terrorist aggressions against the TWIN TOWERS OF NEW YORK and the aggressions against the PENTAGON and behind the aggression against the Aircraft carrying on board scores of Egyptian generals and senior military who just have completed training in United States of America. 66) You are behind endless crimes of genocides and crimes of ethoncides and other crimes of war against my Native American Ancestors. Dear Congress of United States of America, dear Supreme Court of United States of America, it is my honour, to call on you to order all alien residents in AL AQSA, so-called United States of America, to return back home, it is very hard for me to take this decision, indeed and so many scores of millions alien residents there are also very close relatives of mine, I know that, but I am sorry, you all have committed endless genocides, endless ethnocides, endless crimes of war against Humanity, and I beg again now, the Congres of United States of America, the Supreme Court of United States of America, the Senate, the Federal Government, to order their residents to dismember and live and return back home. I am very sorry to have to confirm to them, that again I declare NULL and VOID all agreement signed between my beloved ancestors and them because you all have not respected a single one those agreements. To such an extent that posterity of my ancestors still home, do not recognize your elections, and find them unjust and totally bias and rigged. Dear Congress of United States of America, dear Supreme Court of United states of America, dear Senate of United States of America, dear federal Governement of United States of America, dear US Army, I beg you all to accept my timeless greetings and as you say: IN GOD WE TRUST. Truly yours. Your humble servant. Laghdaf Abadila. Civil Servant. Civilisation Ad Jeih Al Mohtaar. House of Times and House of Wisdoms. Phoenix City.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 13:56:30 +0000

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