Complete absurdity (masquerading as bravado) from ISIS in their - TopicsExpress


Complete absurdity (masquerading as bravado) from ISIS in their recent statement. Apparently non-Muslims should be killed indiscriminately - anyone, anywhere and anyhow. We shouldnt condemn such brazen idiocy for the sake of appeasing western powers that be - their criminality is worse that ISIS could ever be - but because our Islamic sensibilities should be deeply offended. The same way wed restrain the hand of a Muslim who seeks to commit wrong in any other regard, we should do here. The implications of such audacity are grave, primarily in that there is accountability before Allah swt and the taking of any life is a serious, serious matter. To reduce it as ISIS has done and belittle the sanctity of life is a heinous injustice. For this to come from no less that an apparent Caliphate (alongside other issues) entirely undermines claims of legitimacy. Flags, warfare, Jihad, the Caliphate and dealing with non-Muslims are all incredibly important matters. ISIS has come along and, in hysterical fits of self assuring machismo, absolutely bulldozed the deeply rooted texts and traditions of Islam that deal with such issues. This is entirely regressive to the genuine Islamic political aspirations of real independence and self determination that the Ummah works and yearns for. They have delusions of grandeur built upon castles of skulls - many of which would be from people entirely innocent of wrong doing worthy of murder. There is celebration of slaughter and an almost unhinged desire for blood that does not at all accord with the stipulations of Islam. May Allah swt protect us from this terrible fitnah and may He swt guide all those who have strayed.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 03:44:42 +0000

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