Complete chiropractic care today with first spinal adjustment - TopicsExpress


Complete chiropractic care today with first spinal adjustment since x-rays.....been,going to Cleveland Clinic almost 3 years now with MRI,and CT scans and nothing.....Yet. i have all these spinal xrays done by chiropractor care and i have all these curves and adjustments that need made....Amazing how the spinal cord and nerves can attack and destroy your own body, all these symptoms and finally it makes sense....going to be given a treatment plan this friday and they really care, its nice for change instead of doctors who act like your nothing but a number without a face....depending on how bad my disc degeneration is, they still can offer a better life and im happy with,brain and spirit need to drown out depression and Ive found a step today....this place has scriptures in their lobby and rooms, to make your brain and spine work as God designed..Im sore but its gonna be worth it to get some quality of life instead of 24hour pain...
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 22:12:37 +0000

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