Complete the survey, below is how I answered. 1. As an - TopicsExpress


Complete the survey, below is how I answered. 1. As an insurance agent I can assure you that current laws do not prevent commercial drivers or personal drivers from lapsing in coverage. Requiring insurance only puts more stress on local businesses and makes them unable to compete. It should be up the consumer, if they choose to ride with an uninsured driver they are accepting the risk. A commercial insurance policy is not only costly, it only favors large companies with the infrastructure to participate in the market. It is not conducive to small businesses who would otherwise be able to compete and obtain insurance and a necessary business precaution, rather than a state imposed mandate. 2. Again, the government should not participate in the consumers decision to conduct business with another private entity. Most companies use background checks to determine employment and then advertise to their consumers that they do so. If a consumer is genuinely concerned with their safety they will do the necessary research. Also with the availability of the internet and user reviews, it is very hard to keep a secret. If someone is threatened, made to feel unsafe, or simply does not like something the internet knows and the information is readily available. 3. I feel like a broken record – would you get into a car that looks like it could explode at any moment? No, I wouldn’t either. Cars can be tricky, but the State of Virginia already requires all licensed vehicles maintain an annual inspection. That inspection is supposed to insure that the cars safety features are in working order. If you’re making an argument that the current standard isn’t good enough, maybe there is a bigger problem or at the very least a valid point. 4. When have you ever purchased something without asking for the price? It doesn’t happen, I’m not going to order a hamburger, buy a lawnmower, or get into a taxi without asking “how much.” And if I’m ever duped into paying more, you know who will hear about it – the internet. What can the government do to protect people from this non-issue? The answer is NOTHING. 5. First of all, if we can make an argument that we need light rail, we can make an argument for anything. Furthermore, the government doesn’t need to be concerned. If there isn’t a need the business will simply cease to exist – unless of course your plugged into the local government and they shovel money into your failing pockets, but for most of the average Joes that isn’t the case. The beauty of this is that if the business is needed a significantly more efficient way to do said thing will exist and create a new industry and create new jobs. Why would we want the government to meddle in that? 6. Again the internet does this, better, cheaper, quicker, smarter, and even prettier. The only verification method we need is the great World Wide Web! 7. I would want to know of all of these, but since I have access to a computer and a mini computer I keep in my pocket at all times – I can usually find this out before I even place a request for a ride. Welcome to 2014! 8. Our google overlords usually help me figure this out as well. 9. As a business owner (not a driver) I would do all of these things – because I want you to come back!!!! “Baby come back, any kind of fool could see. There was something in everything about you. Baby come back, you can blame it all on me. I was wrong, and I just cant live without you. I was wrong, and I just cant live”
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 21:16:38 +0000

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