Completion creates so much of powerful new space in you. You can - TopicsExpress


Completion creates so much of powerful new space in you. You can go on be creating. What is required with completion is declaring that you will not allow that incompletion to surface again into your inner-space. And if you have completed the previous night, use the inner-space to rewrite your future before the incompletions get back into your inner space. Go on rewriting. Go on rewriting. Only when you go on rewriting, the past gets diluted. The past incompletions loses power over you. If you dont rewrite you future, because you cannot be a vacuum space you tend to entertain your past incompletions. Rewriting your future is constantly aligning yourself to your declared authentic identity. Everyone wants peace. But unless the space you get from peace is used for authenticity, the peace cannot be long lasting. You will lose it. Empty mind is devils workshop - it is devils home not just his workshop. The absolute empty mind is Gods place - that is different. Till you achieve the perpetual completion, every empty space you get, you should use it to rewrite your future. Go on rewriting. The more and more you rewrite, not only your incompletions get completed, they become irrelevant. Making your incompletions irrelevant to your life is perpetual completion. All the possible incompletions that can happen to human beings, - birth, death, disease, pain - make them irrelevant to your life. Then you are God. It is possible. Completing with incompletions every night puts you in Samadhi. You dont need to have the strong belief you have about you that you can never achieve completion. That is just solidified stupidity. Good news is that this solid belief - that I cannot achieve completion - can be thrown out. You dont have to worry with it. Suffer with it. Struggle with it. Completion is your lifestyle. Every breath that goes in HAS to reach the state of completion before it returns. Every thought has to finally reach the state of completion. Completion is the life-style of your life. So dont think completion is difficult. It is the most simplest way of existing. Completing is your inherent, natural, innocent breathing space. Pain is the artificial space. Holding on to the pain you are carrying in your innerspace requires so much of artificial beliefs and thinking. Perpetual completion does not need you to uphold it. It only needs you to be naturally fetch. Like the bamboo. Like the grass on your feet when you walk out of your room in the morning. Like Arunachala during Poornima. That is your NATURE. Whenever you gain a certain level of completion, start rewriting your future. Dont leave an empty space. Dont leave unattended space. Go on rewriting your future. It is rewriting that creates the space for the completion to stay within your being. Your past incompletions should become irrelevant to you. Only if you make your incompletions irrelevant to you, are you free from them. Dont classify incompletions that come back after completion as deeper incompletions. You are lacking awareness in THIS moment. That is all. You believing that they are continuations of your past and will stay in you is THE worst incompletion. Not having layered incompletions will awaken your extraordinary powers. My Gurukul kids are able to exhibit extraordinary powers like reading blindfolded because they do not believe in layered incompletions. When you have desperation, you will show that to life and life will exploit you. Dont even have desperation. There is nothing to be desperate about. From ALL my past life experiences I am telling you. I have gone through every possible suffering you are afraid of. Even what you imagine as the MOST painful suffering. Even those, there is nothing to worry. NOTHING in this life is worthy of being desperate. Not having desperation. Not showing desperation is completion. Building a lifestyle of not having desperation is Sanyas. No desperation. In some of my past lives I have been killed, tortured.. with all my experiences I am telling you. The worst suffering in not only the human life.. in the WHOLE life.. is desperation. Nothing can kill you. Nothing can torture you. Nothing can be so abusive to you as desperation. Completion takes away THAT from your life. Desperation means separation from the understanding that you are the space of completion. The first thing completion kills is desperation. Absolute completion. Perpetual completion. That burns down all desperation. Desperation is the traitor of your consciousness. He will act as if he is part of your soul and suddenly at the end of the day you will find yourself an orphan. Never be a part of the desperated consciousness - mood. In desperation you cant handle even YOU. Forget about handling your whole life. You cant even handle your own inner image. Desperation makes you STUPID. They make decisions in the darkness. For life to happen in you, the first completion you need to do is completion with your desperation. Desperation is the only emotion that will stand inside you without any logical reason why it exists in you. Anything that exists in you without a logical reason why it exists is Maya. Desperation is the first illogical emotion that exists in you for which you dont have the answer WHY. It is the source from which fear, guilt etc. come from. Desperation is the emotion or powerlessness that stays inside you but without any reason. If you just ask why it is it will not be there. It has no logical foundation. It is a cloud that covers the Sun. If the sun just concentrates a few of its rays, the cloud will disappear. Because it is sheer stupidity. It cannot develop a reason to justify its existence. When it develops a stupid reason and agitates you against others it is fear. When it agitates you against yourself it is guilt. The nameless, reason-less powerlessness inside you that disappears the moment you ask the reason and the name of it is desperation. All the destruction in the planet earth happens by desperation. Not by logically supported anger, fear or guilt. Wherever suffering is there there will be desperation. Complete with it. Complete with it. Complete with it. 15 Aug 2014
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 02:44:40 +0000

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