Compromise and bipartisanship are verbal clubs that Progressives - TopicsExpress


Compromise and bipartisanship are verbal clubs that Progressives and the media love to beat us over the head with --- but neither are a reasonable goal for those of us who honor and uphold our Constitution. We are going to have to hold fast to our core values and NOT be swayed by the name calling if we are going to save this Country!!! Quote the article: We constantly hear that conservatives need to compromise. For at least 50 years, when a liberal says Let’s compromise, he means, Let’s move left…. let’s move in the direction of larger government. When a RINO says, There are some wacko-bird, Tea Party types who just don’t understand how things get done around here, they mean We are quite comfortable with a huge and growing government. We like our power and don’t want these limited-government types to mess it up. Our role as Republicans is to occasionally pretend we don’t like big government, but we can’t stand these radicals who say that and actually mean it. Democrats . . . always want the ‘balance’ to be larger government and more spending first, with the promise of reduced spending and taxes way off in the future. The reduced spending never comes. The history of the last 50 years is the history of relentless growth of government. The ‘compromises’ have been in one direction. Take more power and take more money for the ruling elites. Too many Republicans, compromise simply means capitulate. There is some solace in the fact that a recent Gallup poll reported that 72% of Americans say big government is the greatest threat to our country’s future. Americans are much smarter than their leaders. This leftward compromise must end. To survive, we need 50 years of compromise in the other direction.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 04:11:22 +0000

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