Computers, Tablets, Smartphones and their role in Social Media. Do - TopicsExpress


Computers, Tablets, Smartphones and their role in Social Media. Do you need to know more and are afraid to ask? Over the last number of years I have gained a vast and extensive knowledge in all things related to our new Social Media world. So if you have any Computer, Tablet or Smartphone query like, for instance, having difficulty logging onto to the internet via a router with your new device or even more common problems like setting up your email address or installing Internet Security, Skype, Open Office, Google Chrome or any other program or application on any of your Computers or Tablets then contact me and I may be able to assist you. This applies to Microsoft Windows AND Apple Mac computer systems as I am very familiar with both Operating Systems used in these devices. The same applies to ALL Smartphone types like Android Smartphones ( HTC, Sony, Samsung etc ), Apple iPhones and Windows Phone as they have evolved to be just like computers and have many of the same issues and problems associated with them. So if you need assistance in any way send me a Private Message from this Page or email me at [email protected] and I will apply my experience and knowledge of this new Social Media world that we inhabit today and will assist you as best I can. And If you need me to instruct ( or teach ) you further on any of these devices I can help you there as well. About 7 years ago I did not know how to turn on a computer and so I know exactly how people feel today and how left out so many people feel especially those people that did not grow up with this technology in school. I can help bring you into this new exciting world that you might have thought has left you behind. Trust me when I say that this could not be further from the truth. With today’s more powerful and user friendly devices at very low prices and of course faster internet ( broadband ) it is without a doubt much easier, more enjoyable and a whole lot cheaper to get involved than when I myself started 7 years ago. I wish I as only starting now!!! Viruses and Hijackers and Securing your Data. A new and deadly serious problem that I deal with right now is a group of viruses, or more accurately PUPs i.e. Potentially Unwanted Programs, that can steal a user’s information and can even do serious damage to the operating systems in your computers, iPads or Laptops. The problem affects Mac and Windows devices, be they Laptops, Desktops and Smartphones, because it is the browsers in these devices e.g Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera etc that are being HIJACKED so, as a consequence, it does not matter what OS (Operating System) you are using. So, as mention earlier, if you need assistance in any way send me Private Message from this Page or email me at [email protected] and I will assist you with any issue as best I can, be it a technical issue or a knowledge issue with respect to your Computer, Laptop, Phone Tablet or the Internet itself. And NOW a whole NEW threat to your personal data……..Below is a copy of an email that I felt I had to send out to all my friends lately..... “Security Risk: A virulent strain of “Ransomeware” malware called “CryptoLocker” has become very active and can be very destructive. “CryptoLocker” scans a computer’s local and network drives and encrypts many different file types. Next a demand notice to pay a “Ransom” appears on a user’s screen. At this point, a user no longer has access to any files because the encryption key to those files is sent to a rogue system on the Internet. Who is at Risk? Anyone who uses email and who opens an infected email attachment. What you need to do: Do not open email attachments unless you know the attachment is something you may be expecting and want to receive. Links to websites embedded in email messages: Do not click on these links unless you know where the link will take you–Hover the cursor over the link to make sure the link leads you where it is supposed to. Make certain your anti-virus software is up to date”. ......AND here are the links to the research that I did having encountered the virus in a friend’s computer only 2 weeks ago. Note the link above has a video on page 2 which is very informative. You can go straight to this video using the link below if you prefer. youtube/watch?v=Gz2kmmsMpMI This link here explains the issue clearly… brucebnews/2013/10/cryptolocker-is-a-new-security-nightmare/ And from the Guardian newspaper…. theguardian/money/2013/oct/19/cryptolocker-attacks-computer-ransomeware#start-of-comments If you follow the advice above you will reduce your chances of getting the virus in the 1st place and will be able to recover your vital data if the worst happens. I don’t normally send out emails about viruses but this new risk is VERY different. If in any doubt just Google the word “Crytolocker” and you will see what I mean. SO be aware of this form of virus called “ransomeware” that is currently causing concern for Windows computer users especially those in business. While not new, it has evolved in the last few weeks into a very serious threat indeed to your data contained in files like your documents and spreadsheets as well as other file types. The virus encrypts your personnel files in an unbreakable code and are therefore irretrievable.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 17:17:11 +0000

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