Comr Salahudeen A Lukman > THE SENATE National Association of - TopicsExpress


Comr Salahudeen A Lukman > THE SENATE National Association of Polytechnic Students (NAPS) No Retreat No Surrender Being the press text issue today by NAPS Senate President, Comr. Salahudeen A. Lukman Protocol. It is with deep sense of disappointment and neglect from the Federal Government I address this press concerning the ongoing strike embark by ASUP Nationwide for the past 50 days now, which has result the paralysis of all academic activities on our various campuses nationwide, with no swift response from Federal Government of this country to remedy the situation, which Nigerian students in polytechnic as regards as neglect from the Government, haven’t gone through the facts both in the past and recent, it has shown that Federal Government of this country has no passion for technological development of this great nation which is the only bases of achieving the vision 2020 and the transformation agenda of MR. PRESIDENT. the recent crisis of ASUP and the reaction of the Government towards finding lasting solution proved truly that polytechnic students as been regarded as second class citizen in their fatherland. After when the immediate National leadership of National Association of Polytechnic Students NAPS under president Comr Oluwole Fawale Jacob of Federal Polytechnic Bida had cry out to the Federal Government through a peaceful mass protest staged in FCT Abuja on the 22nd May 2013. But despite the promise made by the Federal Ministry of Education nothing has been done meaningful other than our invitation to be a transformation ambassador which we neva reject. We have observe with knee interest the disparity which we student in the polytechnic sector is suffering in this country cannot continue if the unity and oneness of this country must be uphold, the technological student have been marginalized and relegated in the society in which our certificate is been equated to Bsc with Pass classification, because it is only expected of university graduate with the above mention grade of classification to undergo post graduate diploma (Pgd) before Masters Degree which is mandated for all polytechnic graduate even with Distinction classification to posses before Masters degree, the recent award of scholarship to all first class university graduate by president Goodluck Jonathan excluding the distinction polytechnic graduate to study in any institution of their choice abroad is another alarming step to prove our neglect and relegation by the Government of the day. Even when our vote is never marginalize during 2011 general poll. It is never a doubt or rumor that every Nigerian above 50 years of age mostly those in the government today enjoy free quality education with free feeding in this same country Nigeria put in place by the then leaders, as this is no longer there for we in this generation to enjoy, when we are demand to pay huge amount to acquire this same formal education our leaders acquired for free but still depriving us of the best and quality type of education. All institutions in the country are not well equipped since all the public office holder does not have any of their children in any of this public institutions in the country but in other institutions abroad. Many Federal Government Parastaters such as TETFUND which has been so helpful to the development of education in Nigerian even though they segregate in disbursement of fund to institutions which we condem in a strong term especting not to be bases on sentiment or discrimination but on the base of the capacity of respective Institutions, now making an open declaration of exclusion of monotechnic from being a beneficiary of the fund which we the Nigerian student condem in totality and call for immediate reverse on such policy in other not to face the rot of technological students. As we the new leadership of this great association is committed to the clarion call to serve Nigerian students who had given us their mandate to lead to ensure good representation, protection, promotion and integration of the general interest of the entire members of the association, we thereby present the following as our stand for the purpose of equity, justice and peace for sustainable development of education, economy and social stability in Nigeria. 1. Immediate conversion of National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) to Nigeria Polytechnic Commission (NPC) as obtainable for Nigerian universities govern by Nigerian University Commission (NUC), Colleges of Education Commission for Colleges of education in Nigeria and nomadic education, commission for nomadic education if new commission cannot be establish as reconmemded by Mr. Steve Orosanye led visitation panel for merging of parastertals with similar functions. 2. Abolition of re -application process for HND program and HND certificate itself to make polytechnic education 5 years direct programe as well to save half education inreasement in the society which some establishment take advantage of. 3. Review of polytechnic curriculum to accomadate the award of Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech) as obtainable in all higher institution of technology in Nigeria. 4. Immediate negotiation with ASUP leadership to bring lasting solutution to the crisis in other to ensure immediate resumption of Nigerian students on campus nationwide. 5. Review of all discriminative policy of federal government and it agency such as disbursement of fund among tertiary intuitions base on capacity not category with discrimination and reverse of the exclusion of monotechnic as beneficiary of TETFUND. The above 5 points remain our stands for this sand of time, knowing fully that the federal government of Nigerian under the leadership of President Goodluck Jonathan and the education Minister, Prof. Rukaya Rufahi will see these with utmost reflection for equity justice and passion for education development of this country as well as a skeptical step to deliver the transformation agenda of his Excellency President Goodluck Jonathan promised Transformation Agenda in education sector which we have been all inducted as an (AMBASSADOR), as any attempt to fail in looking critically to the above resolution of over 21.1million armless battalion Nigerian students on or before Monday 8th july 2013 we shall have no any other option than to mobilize in mass the entire Nigerian polytechnic, monotechnic, colleges of technology and other allied institution awarding ND/HND across the six geopolitical zone of the federation again to occupy the National Assembly, Federal Civil Service Commission and Federal ministry of Education in Abuja coming the elapse of this ultimatum to demand for justice which is our right and permitted under the law. We are fully aware of limitation of HND holder in Federal Civil Service on the grand of Career progression in civil service, It is in no doubt that if the above mentioned issues are address with absolute sincerity , the unity and peace for development of technical education in Nigeria will be achieved without any fear of contraction, all students in the country both university , polytechnic, monotechnic, colleges of education and colleges of technology with see themselves as one entity and together foster the advancement of Nigerian education system for sustainable development, as no one should made to regret why he or she attends polytechnic simply because we choose never to be an instrument of destruction in the society after the carrying capacity of Nigerian university is declare and confirmed very low to absorb all of us in as much we all have all it takes to be admitted as a required and now that we administered the same entrance exam UTME, we demand equal treatment as a citizen of this country for the sake of unity of this nation and avoidance of systematic training of terrorist, because if the student remains on the street they may tend to be use against their wish as idle hand remains devil workshop even when the president is not trying on his part to uphold the equity among Nigerian students following his approval for establishment of 12 new universities across the country with no polytechnic inclusive, and the education minister counterfeiting the sole aim of merging UME and MPCE by segregating the cut-off mark of polytechnic and university 180, 160 respectively. We had address media many occasions just to register our plight with the Government, even when the salary of the striking lecturers and the education minister and other federal government employees are still on, our lectures are off, our classrooms are lock, we are always at the receiving ends. I want to appeal to the ASUP not to be too rigid on their demand to safe our future and our carrier from collapse knowing fully well that they remain our fathers and mothers as such we strongly believe they shall consider us first in all their dialog both with government and their NATIONAL EXECUTIVE MEETING (NEC) schedule for Wednesday and Thursday of this week to ensure we are not use again our destiny. I call on all student union leaders and the entire Nigeria students of all polytechnic to see this struggle as a sacrificial one to savage our future and carrier by keeping to our clock and calendar as we count down the ultimatum, and swing into action by mobilizing all student across country to follow all roads that lead to Abuja on Monday 1st July 2013. With matrax, mat, pillow, stove, mosquito treated net, umbrella and other materials which we may need to sustain our stay in the entrance of National Assembly, Federal Civil Service Commission and Federal Ministry of Education until our cries are heard and our demands are met. We mute for time been now to mourn the untimely death of our NANS senate president, Comr Donald Onokaogu and 4 others who lost their lives in a ghastly motor accident on a peace mission to uni-uyo which their burial shall be concluded by 5th July 2013 may their souls rest in perfect peace (amen). Aluta Continua , Victoria Ascerta, Amala Awetu Nothing shall discourage us, No Retreat No Surrender, As Long as we live, Struggle Continues, Every all lookers is a Traitor. God bless NAPS. God bless Federal Republic of Nigeria. Comr. Salahudeen A. Lukman National Association of Polytechnic Students (NAPS) Senate President (Elect) 08065350837 Kaduna Polytechnic
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 21:54:22 +0000

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