Comrades... After having studied Australian Defece Studies at - TopicsExpress


Comrades... After having studied Australian Defece Studies at Deakin University, it gives me great pleasure, to congratulate both Vladimir Putin and the Ukrainian Prime Minister Poroshenko and the representatives of the Rebels in the East Ukraine, to have reached an Permanent Ceasefire for the devastated Regions of the East Ukraine... This ceasefire was the result of the Rebels defeating the Ukrainian National Guards in Donetzk and elsewhere... This Victory is the result of Volunteers defending what they knew was right, while in the Ukrainian Army, the Soldiers had to follow orders... This is a repeat of the fights against Fascism in Spain, where the Volunteers, Australians, Americans, Germans et all, fought the Fascist to a stand still outside Madrid. It must be pointed out, that our Prime Minister was intending to give Military Aid to Ukraine, under the mistaken belief, that they were winning... Sorry Mr. Abbott, you and your American paymasters and your friends in the N.A.T.O. were wrong, in backing the wrong horse... For days now, I have posted and re-posted the mail received from my comrades at the Frontline in the East Ukraine, all which spoke with assurance, that they were confident of the victory against the fascists... This has happened and you can watch it on T.V.. The burnt out wrecks of Tanks and trucks that littered the escape route of the Ukrainians... Nato and you backed the wrong horse, costing our farmers valuable Export markets in China and Russia... But do you really care about our farmers..?. You and your puppets in and out of Parliament will have got to get used to changed circumstances in the Ukraine... No, there will be no Nato bases in the Ukraine... And yes, the Ukrainians will have the gas, to cook their meals in a free society... You, Mr. Abbott, ranted and raved to the Australian Public and hoodwinked Parliament... Even Mr. Shorten fell for the unmitigated bullshit, that flowed too freely from your mouth... Your and your paymasters dreams were destroyed by ordinary humans, ordinary humans, who acted in defence of their women and children and destroyed your dream, of being involved in another war, where you, like Baroness Thatcher, was hoping for International recognition... The Volunteers of the Donbas have your measure... Your war will not happen, because of them. Maybe you should join the fight against Fascism in Iraq and Syria, which masquerades under the title Islamic State, or join the fight against Zionism in Israel, that nearly destroyed the Ghetto, that is Gaza. I know it is not in the Nature of the Beast, to fight against their own, so I expect little or nothing from you nor your party... I rejoice in the fact, that the People of the Ukraine are no longer murdering each other, because there is now a Permanent Ceasefire for the Ukraine. Something that neither you nor your Foreign Minister had the foresight to expect... Dr. Hans-Dieter von Senff
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 09:34:25 +0000

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