Concepts covered in todays HyderabadTechies class on Jquery and - TopicsExpress


Concepts covered in todays HyderabadTechies class on Jquery and Asp.Net MVC: To join free sessions contact Admin 1)What is DOM, DOM explorer, Elements 2)$(document).ready What is it? why do we use it? 3)Events: a)click b)mouseover c)keypress etc 4)selectors 5)effects a)fadein b)fadeout c)hide d)show e)toggle f)animation g)stop etc 6)get, set, add, remove etc 7)dimensions Managing div dimensions while creating games with jquery 8)traversing - ul,li, trr, divs traversing Topics Revised in todays class: 1)what is mvc? 2)flow of mvc 3)benifits of mvc 4)windows and web applications 5)latest version of mvc 6)difference between each version 7)html helpers in mvc 8)HTML.TextBox and HTML.TextBoxFor 9)routing in mvc 10)hyperlink 11)GET, POST 12)sessions 13)partial views in mvc 14)validations 15)validationsummary 16)data annotation validation on client side 17)Razor 18)authorization, Authentication 19)ActionResult, ViewResults 20)JSON format 21)bundling and minification 22) Areas in mvc Passsing data: 1)Forms 2)Viewbag 3)Viewdata 4)Tempdata 5)Session 6)Hidden 7)QueryString ex: Controllers: 1)we can add views - right click on Action 2)Controller contains logic 3)Sends logic to view as a single bundle item Ex: return View(abc); 4)Get data from Viewmodel - gets data from model 5)[HttpGet] 6)[HttpPost] Views: 1)Razor syntax 2)we can use forms 3)Scaffolding Templates -Create, edit, delete, details, list 4)Layout or Master page / Partial view Models: 1)Properties 2)Customize Validations Forms and HTML Helpers: 1)@using (Html.BeginForm() 2)@Html.ValidationSummary(true) 3)@Html.LableFor() 4)@Html.EditorFor() 5)@Html.ValidationMessageFor() 6)Custom error message [Required (ErrorMessage=hi harish)] 7)Custom labels [DisplayName (Please enter name)] Data Annotations and Validations: Authentication and Authorization: 1)Three types of Authentication a)Windows b)Forms c)Passport 2)What is Authentication? 3)How do we implement Authentication? JQuery and Ajax: 1)Gmail live examples 2)Facebook live examples
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 21:22:05 +0000

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