Concerned citizen You have to be a thorn in their side, asking so - TopicsExpress


Concerned citizen You have to be a thorn in their side, asking so many questions. Kudos to you and keep up the barrage. However, you should also deal with the big questions. What is the cause of the stubborn refusal to admit the errors of their ways?. I suggest that the root cause of many of these lies in the mandarin system of government devised by LKY to keep himself and his chosen successors in power.As he himself said: I play for keep for keeps. A collegiate spirit then prevails. You scratch my back and I scratch yours. Note the accolades given at every change of personnel at the top. Everyone, it seems, was the greatest and a ‘visionary’. Buttressed by magnificent iron rice bowls, the musical chairs go round and round. With a complicit MSM errors can go undetected until times like these and unfortunate circumstances(for them) like the Brompton bike and AIM sagas expose the rot that has set in. People like you have to be silenced if possible by new codes of conduct for the internet. The PM is in no danger of being cast aside like Julia Gillard. His cabinet consists of appointees with no political backing of their own like Devan Nair,Toh Chin Chye,Ong Pang Boon and others. Did’nt LKY confess to removing Toh Chin Chye and Ong Pand Boon because he feared that they will oppose his proposed mandarin system, euphemistically called leadership renewal? LKY has unashamedly suscribed to the ‘I appoint you and you appoint me’ system which he wrongly ascribed to the Catholic Church’s appointment of the Pope.(The Pope is appointed for life and does not need to be re-elected.)Ever wondered why GCT has and his supporters have been marginalised?
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 21:19:56 +0000

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