Concerned parent says Im having a lot of issues with my son and - TopicsExpress


Concerned parent says Im having a lot of issues with my son and school. He is six years old and hes in kindergarten. Before he started going to a mainstream school he went to a special needs preschool from 2yrs to 5yrs. Weve been trying different meds since he acts out really badly since starting school. First we tried clonidine and he would pass out for 3 or 4 hours at a time which I absolutely hated but was told to give it time and hed get used to it. After a while of him not adjusting to it. We switched to guanfacine which worked really good for a little over a month and then nothing. So we switched back to the clonidine but in a smaller dose which didnt do anything so now Im being told to take him back to the doctor to up the clonidine to a higher dose than he originally started with! Im just at my wits end and am really considering homeschooling him but Im also worried about his social wellbeing because I want him to have positive social interactions with children his age. They absolutely cannot control him at his school. He refuses to do work, he hits his teachers and his para, he throws things when he doesnt get his way, and usually ends up in the office part off the day. He does not do any of this at home which is whats so puzzling for me. He does have meltdowns but hes never hit me or thrown things at me and I can get him to do worksheets Ive printed off the Internet that are very similar to the ones he does at school. Any advice I can get would be great because I dont have any friends that have children that are autistic.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 00:16:32 +0000

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