Concerning the Creation of Life. In Time and Space the Elements - TopicsExpress


Concerning the Creation of Life. In Time and Space the Elements came together and conditions for Life were present. 💭 Week Two: Fertilization The sperm and egg join in the fallopian tube and fertilization has occurred. Only one sperm will break through, and the egg instantly shuts down. No more sperm will be admitted. Identical twins or multiples may be formed if the egg then splits in two. Fraternal twins or multiples will be formed if more than one egg gets fertilized. The baby begins to form from a single fertilized egg to a cell that has divided itself and is now multiplying rapidly. Every sperm carries a half-set of genetic information with it, including an X or Y chromosome which will determine your babys gender. The egg carries the other half set and the X chromosome. These chromosomes combine, which pre-determines all of a persons physical characteristics. Thirty hours later the developing embryo is still rapidly dividing, as it floats down from the fallopian tube and towards the uterus. (baby2see) I believe that for the conditions for Life to be present, a Soul needs to be present. Genetic information creating Body Systems ❓ For life to exist there are many Chemical Compounds precise to the .000s power, and theyre constant, Mapped. 󾁁󾁆󾁃󾁂󾁎󾁉󾁈󾀼 Sense Neurons, look at what all they are Mapped to Feel.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Nov 2013 21:42:01 +0000

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