Concerning the new Theory of Gravity I proposed last night, I - TopicsExpress


Concerning the new Theory of Gravity I proposed last night, I appreciate the questions and opportunity to clarify some issues: After dissecting the 4th dimension, known as space-time, into 2 separate entities, space being the volume of area we occupy... And time being the introduction of a positive dimension into our positively charged universe... The new elementary particle I proposed called gravitymes are not the theoretical weak force particles known as gravitons... Gravitons are incompatible, at high energies, with general relativity and quantum gravity, as spin-2 field boson... The problem arises not in our inability to equate or measure elementary particles or find the missing link between the theories... But rather, we have been looking for something that, as we understand it, is not truly in existence or, rather, of our 4 dimensions... After all matter and energy fall prey to entropy and are consumed by the remaining black holes, which are concentrated gravitymes... The gravitational singularity punches through the very fabric of space and is expelled into an oppositely charged alternate universe... So, whereas a gravityme can be viewed as negatively energetic in our positive universe... It will positively energetic in the alternate universe which, conversely, will be negatively energetic... The gravityme continues to exist as literally infinitesimally small black holes/white holes in the corresponding universes, serving as portals... Through which the massive energy of fission and fusion are injected into the opposing universe when atoms are split, or fused, accordingly... EG, in our universe, matter and energy are dynamic and positive while black holes are static and negative (in terms of radiation)... At the moment of the Big Bang, which follows the Big Suck, our 4 dimensions... Corresponding with the 4 elementary particles, exploded into the area known as space... But, in the alternate universe, antimatter and antienergetic particles are static and negative, while white holes are dynamic and positive... At the moment of its alternate Big Bang, followed by its Big Suck, the alternate antisubatomic particles and dimensions... Come into existence or, more accurately, go out of existence which, since the opposing spaces occupy the same area... Would be indistinguishable to an objective observer as the destruction of 1 universe led to the creation of another in the same area... This is a unified theory which accommodates the various theories, concerning the ultimate fate of the universe... With the attractive power of the massless gravitymes, resulting from the pull of the oppositely charged universe... Drawing to themselves other gravitymes but, being so small, not affecting matter (unless concentrated into a black hole)... The repulsive force of Hawking Radiation prevents most gravitymes from clumping and consuming each other unless additional mass is added... Gravitymes slow light enough for it to manifest as the slower energies on the electromagnetic spectrum until allowing for the formation of matter... What we experience as positive time, ie the steady progression of time as a state of being... Is actually the gravitymetric introduction of the alternate universe into ours through the gravityme particles... Recognized as Hawking Radiation in our universe which, at the gravitymetric level, is independently immeasurable... But, since time can only be measured by its mechanical procession, when coalesced into matter and energy... Time becomes more evident and, the faster we go in relation to the Speed of Light, our mass approaches infinite... Which, like the difficulty friction causes when moving heavy objects across a rough ground, the increased mass attracts more gravitymes... Acting as tiny black hole brakes preventing us from exceeding 186000 miles per second... There exists a solution to faster than light travel as the splitting of an atom momentarily opens a larger portal into the alternate universe... Introduces a flash of the positive energy from the alternate universe into our own positively charged universe... If that gravityme portal can be maintained, a theoretical vessel and/or being could travel through the same area... Of the alternate universe only without incurring the infinite mass limitation of light speed travel in the like charged universe... Because the gravitymes would not be drawn to their counterpart in an alternate universe, which is the same principle behind... Dark matter (or bright matter in the alternate universe), the remnant of past universes that black (or white) holes failed to consume or expel... Due to entropy and lacking an opposite charge with the gravitymes around them, has very little interaction with the surrounding universe... The remaining question pertains to the possibility of additional dimensions, besides our present 4... Being encapsulated in the Big Bang, yet to emerge from that initial explosion, to later develop from the 4 known forces... All of which alludes to the eventual possible formation of a universe of practically infinite dimensions, where reality manifests its every potential... And, with potential existing only as previously, but yet to be again, realized possibilities... The procession of time unfolds into an infinitely ongoing procession of creation and destruction
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 06:33:09 +0000

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