Conclusion There are numerous reasons within the context of - TopicsExpress


Conclusion There are numerous reasons within the context of Philippians that disprove the doctrine that Jesus is “God” in Philippians 2:6. 1. Jesus is distinguished as separate from God the Father (1:2, 8). 2. God is given praise and glory above Jesus (1:11). 3. The attitude of Jesus is humility; God does not humble Himself (2:3). 4. Jesus existed in visible human form; no man has ever seen God (2:6). 5. Jesus was given authority; God already has ALL authority (2:6). 6. Jesus did not make himself comparable to God (2:6). 7. Jesus emptied himself; God is infinite (2:7). 8. Jesus was a bondservant; God is not a slave to anyone (2:7). 9. Jesus was made in the likeness of men; God is not a man (2:7-8). 10. Jesus humbled himself in obedience; God makes commands, He doesn’t obey them (2:8). 11. Jesus was obedient to the death; God is immortal (2:8). 12. Jesus died on a cross; God does not have a body of flesh and bones (2:8; 3:18). 13. God exalted Jesus; Jesus did not exalt himself as God (2:9). 14. People confess Jesus as Lord, for the glory OF GOD THE FATHER, not for the glory of Jesus (2:9-11). 15. Righteousness comes from GOD through Christ, not the other way around (3:9). 16. Jesus suffered, died and was raised from the dead; God cannot die, and God is the One who raised Jesus from the dead (3:10-11). 17. The upward call is from GOD in Christ (3:14). 18. We are commanded to pray to GOD, not TO Jesus; we pray to God in the name of Jesus (4:6-7). 19. GOD the Father supplies all of our needs through Jesus; Jesus is not the one who supplies all of our needs (4:19). Jesus taught us how to pray, “Our Father in heaven…give us this day our daily bread…” (Matthew 6:9-14). 20. Our God and FATHER gets the glory forever and ever . Amen. (4:20)...........
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 23:35:47 +0000

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