Conclusion: WAYS TO GIVE YOUR KIDS A PERSONALIZED EDUCATION: Part 2 4) The Internet: The internet has a wealth of good information. Browse the internet together with your kids and read more on the difficult areas that they have. The extra interactions help our kids know that we care for them and motivates them to work harder. 5) Do exercises together: Exercise is good and doing it together is a lot of fun as well. Take walks together, play football together, go for little jogs in the parks or ride bikes together. 6) Monitor their progress: Keep an eye on areas that your children are good at and areas they are struggling with. Some schools do not cover everything in details on their curriculum, so keep an eye on what they have covered and if necessary and if needed, get extra lessons for your child. You know your child, so if getting extra tutoring lessons will help, and then by all means go for it. Parents we understand that most times we are so busy working to pay the bills and to keep a roof over our heads. That is why we will never judge parents who do not have the time. What we will do however is to encourage parents to make it a priority to make some time out for our kids. They are the reasons that we work, they are the reasons that we do most of the things that we do and therefore spending some extra time with them is so vital. What do we do that takes so much of our time outside of work? I will confess, that in the past I used to spend some ridiculous number hours in the kitchen and of course need rest after that. Now I refuse to spend more than a certain time at a stretch cooking. Time is valuable and we must use it wisely. #Education #Parents #kids #Time Partly Sourced: education
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 06:00:11 +0000

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