Conclusion of Saturday Reminder: Lets conclude with our story - TopicsExpress


Conclusion of Saturday Reminder: Lets conclude with our story about Fatimah (R.A) Bint Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. Aishah (R.A), talking of Her, says She bore a remarkable resemblance to Her father. She not only looked like Him, but Her way of speaking, sitting, standing and walking - in other words all Her mannerisms and gestures were exactly like His(S.A.W). Whenever Her father visited Her She would receive Him and kiss His forehead with respect. They were exceptionally close to each other and whenever She visited Her father, He would stand up and receive Her. If He saw Her troubled or sad He(S.A.W) would also be grieved, and if He saw Her happy He would also be pleased. Fatimah(R.A) and Alis(R.A) first son was born in the 3rd year after Hijrah. When the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon Him) heard the good news He was very happy and immediately went to see the child. He named Him Hasan(R.A) and recited the Adhan for Him. Then on the seventh day His head was shaved, and an amount of silver equivalent to the weight of the hair was distributed among the poor. In the 4th year after Hijrah, a second son was born. The Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon Him) named Him Hussein(R.A), and in His ears too He recited the Adhan. It is said a third son Muhsin(R.A) was born but died in His infancy. The Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon Him) loved these two grandchildren dearly. He used to say that they were like blossoms and would be the leaders of the youths of Paradise. Usamah bin Zayd(R.A) says that one day He saw the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon Him) carrying something wrapped in a sheet. He asked him what He was carrying. He opened the sheet and what did He see, but these two little boys all wrapped up in Their grandfathers arms. In the 5th year after Hijrah a daughter was born to Ali and Fatimah; the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon Him) named Her Zaynab(R.A); in the 7th year after Hijrah another daughter was born and He named Her Umm Kulthum(R.A). When Zaynab bint Ali (R.A)grew up she married Abdullah bin Jafar bin Abi Talib(R.A). And Umm Kulthum married Umar bin Khattab(R.A). They had two children Zayd(R.A) and Ruqayya(R.A). There is a miraculous incident related in Al-Bidayah way An-Nihayah, once a lady sent Fatimah some bread and roasted meat. She put this in a plate and covered it with cloth. Then She sent a message to Her father to come and eat. When He arrived She removed the cloth and to Her astonishment She found the plate full of bread and plenty of meat. She understood that this abundance and plenty had come from Allah. She praised Almighty Allah and asked Allah to Bless and have Mercy on His Servant and started to serve the meal to Him(S.A.W), beginning with Allah Almightys Name. When He saw such a huge amount He smiled and asked who had sent it all. She promptly said Allah gave it to Her and He provides sustenance to whom He pleased without limits Then the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon Him) Smiled and ate the meal with His Daughter and Her family Yet there was so much food still left over that it was sent to the Mothers of the Believers. They also ate their fill and then it was distributed among the neighbors. Allahu Akbar. May Allah grant us daughters who will take Fatimah (R.A )as one of their role models. Aameen.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 19:30:48 +0000

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