Conclusion of my presentation: Nepal, Bhutan, India, - TopicsExpress


Conclusion of my presentation: Nepal, Bhutan, India, Bangladesh and Tibet (PR of China) inherit specialties in geography and topography. Economy and capacity of countries also differs. Multinational regional cooperation on water resources development has not yet been flourished in the region. Regional strategies on water resources development are to be developed on common shared goals and benefits sharing making consensus on ground realities. Priorities of the countries as mentioned below are integrated in their respective development process to facilitate regional cooperation. Nepal - Water resource development of Nepal be prioritized to the production of hydroelectricity which does not have any effect for other uses of water i.e. drinking and irrigation; and which may provide additional flood control. Development policy trend is in the same direction but need further thrust Bhutan - Bhutan has been already moving ahead in the production and sell of hydroelectricity in bilateral agreements with India. India - Indo-Gangetic plain of India possesses high potential of agricultural development and so irrigation comes on the top priority. Himalayan mountain of India also have appreciable power hydropower potential but not enough to meet countries requirements. Pakistan - Pakistan also have similar situation as India. Bangladesh - Bangladesh possesses a greatest risk from cyclones and floods disasters. Though irrigation cannot be ruled out but safeguarding its people and properties from flood and inundation comes on the top priority in water resource management. Making Himalayan rivers navigable, possibly upto Indo-Nepal border, Nepal, and landlocked state of India get highest benefits. Knowledge gap and uncertainties which lies in dynamics of sediment generation and deposition characteristics in the Himalayan rivers. A significant weight has to be given for the study of sediment yield and transport. High dam multipurpose reservoir projects are to be owned at regional level on humanitarian ground for which much affords has to be made to get consensus among countries. River linking project or river diversion projects on trans-boundary rivers or on trans basin rivers be justified to minimize the adverse effects on upstream and downstream ecology and water uses. Finally, regional cooperation for harnessing the water resources, - the renewable natural gift in an integrated approach would benefit to economic growth of vast population of the region and also would help in removing mistrusts. It is now high time to look for a common regional consensus on national and regional policies based on realities, priorities and international norms for trans-boundary rivers development.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 01:14:23 +0000

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