Condolences to the family of Michael Brown. Regardless of the - TopicsExpress


Condolences to the family of Michael Brown. Regardless of the circumstances, any parent will grieve the loss of there son. And we all can only try to imagine the loss they feel. The tragedy of Ferguson must have time for the investigation to develop the facts and circumstances. This will allow the truth to come out and justice to be served. It is time for calmer heads to prevail. We can not foment hatred, and vitriol strictly to stir racial tensions. The Calls for the killing of the Police officer by the New Black Panthers is an irresponsible act by an out of control organization. We have a great division of opinion in our country. Most blacks feel there is an elitist police force that acts with impunity. A majority of whites arent as inclined to be as concerned. We are seeing a strong bias on both sides of the Racial divide. At this point we dont need any flames being fanned to create even more chaos than already exists. And yet CNN and NBC have shown the address of the Police Officer, as well his photo. These two media outlets show a total lack of responsibility and judgement. Are they testing fate? That is not their right. If there is a murder of the police officers wife or children they will have been shown to be callous to the concerns of even the most disinterested observer. When we see rioters looting businesses this shows a blatant disrespect for the deceased Michael Brown. There is no excuse for this behavior. They must stop or be stopped and arrested. The first job of the police is to maintain the peace. Yet we saw the total lack of police capability in case of the looting. I am one who says its time we end the race baiting. Lets show respect for the deceased. And Lets reserve judgement and await the evidence to determine guilt or innocence of the police officer.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 02:09:32 +0000

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