Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that - TopicsExpress


Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent PRAYER of a righteous man availeth much. James 5:16 ( now you see why the enemy tries to shut us up and keep us bottled in with all the mess and faults, this is exactly why we not receiving true healing and deliverance, we are doing opposite to what the word says confess--to talk out, to expose, to reveal one to another, that ye be healed. Its like the burdens, secrets, issues, hidden things have taken refuge in our minds they living there, they mek camp and knowing that pride, fear, shame or guilt of these things being exposed lives within us, is the exact reason why we a pray, pray, a fight, asking God for answers and the answer in our own hands stop hide and come out) dont get me wrong some things are so delicate and deep that if you tell some Church folks they make you even more shame, so my advice ask God to send the right ears that you may confess and pray. On another hand if you want freedom confess and who talk talk, at least you freed cause when they talk it will just glorify how good God is, how he made your mess a message, your troubles your trophy of wisdom, your past your passage, a joke your joy in Christ. One more thing if you know your not living right or playing games with God thats one the biggest reasons you gonna hide and hold back from confess, cause falsehood is another monster that just may have taken you over! ( its not a debate but facts ) 2015 Not one healing a go pass me by cause Mr Leviton who is responsible for the spirit of pride I allowed God to kill you out of me, cause only the fire of God can burn and consume you totally.### Getting it Right and Making it Right with God, cause this open Heaven nar be open and this vessel standing hands up but nothing a drop.! # Nation Changer!
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 18:17:01 +0000

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