Confessing Our Sins To God: The Bible declares if we confess our - TopicsExpress


Confessing Our Sins To God: The Bible declares if we confess our sin to the Lord, He will be faithful to forgive and cleanse us from all unrighteousness, (I John 1:9) restoring our fellowship with the Father. It is possible to confess one’s sins and not receive forgiveness from the Lord? The reason is: True repentance requires that we turn from sin. The Apostle Paul called on Believers in Christ to reject all sinful practices because believers are holy, set apart people. (Ephesians 5:3-7) As Christians we must reject sin in all its forms. We must never think that sinful practices are acceptable for them. Temptations will always be with us, the Lord will provide a way of escape. (I Corn 10:13) How we respond to the Temptations are crucial and will affect our walk with Christ. The Israelites had a long history of disobedience. As a result of their continual sin, God gave them over to their enemies, who took them into exile away from the Land that God had promised them. Today many see no difference between the lifestyle of believers, and non- believers. To often Non-believers give their reason for rejection of the Christian faith, it is the Conduct of the Christians they have observed in their day to day lives. When we fail to live by Godly Standards, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is considered unnecessary by people who are outside of the Church. We have to live right daily and be excited about our walk with the Lord. We may ask ourselves this question: “What do they see when they look at my life? No one is perfect, but we should consider if our desire is to follow God’s ways, and keep the fruit of the spirit in our lives, so the World will know what side we are on. We are to be kind and gentle even through our trials of life. When we get saved, We become the children of light in the Lord. (Ephes 5:8) Christ wants us to let that light shine for the glory of God.
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 00:36:02 +0000

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