Confession #138 ~ Im going to start off with a few details - TopicsExpress


Confession #138 ~ Im going to start off with a few details otherwise If I mention names or places people may get confused. There was my cousin Russ, his girlfriend Sharee, my then fiancée Casey and myself there that night. It occurred around 1:30 am at the back of Humbug scrub wildlife sanctuary in the Adelaide hills. Humbug scrub wildlife sanctuary was founded and ran by my great grandpa or something like that. I dont remember the exact date now but it was in 2004. Russ and Sharee decided to pick Casey and myself up one night to go out for a drive. We decided to head through the hills and see how close Russ could get to his personal record which was a challenge in itself have 4 people in the car as opposed to just the 1. Anyway we arrived just outside the parking lot entrance to Humbug scrub, round the back area. Russ and I decided to get out to stretch our legs, both of the girls stayed in the car. We were standing about 5 feet from the car joking around and discussing hill runs when we heard what sounds like a foot stepping on twigs and leaves. We continued talking when we heard it again and again. By this stage we were looking through the patch of trees, from a few steps back (opposite side of the little fence). We could see a glimpse of some shadow moving from tree to tree, getting closer. We turned and paced back to the car when I heard from Russ look at that only not so calm. I turned and looked to see what he was looking at and there it was. This 7 - 8 foot, hooded, raggy looking shadowy man. Though we couldnt see any features under the hood we werent that interested to go check neither. One thing we did notice was how this being moved as though it was levitating but still made the crunchy footprint sound. We got back the car and the girls Russ quickly started the car and boots it to create distance, Sharee asked where we went. We said how we were just standing like 5 feet from the car. Apparently what happened was when we got out of the car they couldnt see us after we started moving away from it and thought we kept walking, they wound down there window and yelled out for us to not take off too far. From our perspective the window was not wound down at all and we couldnt hear them. As we were speeding our way through, we couldnt help but notice what seemed to be a house frame covered with thousands of lit candles (that wasnt there 8 minutes ago). After a while Russ slowed down to 80km. After a little while a rabbit ran out in front of us and kept in front for quite a bit. Thing is we were still doing 80km. After a while the rabbit turned back towards the side and left and I couldnt help but notice tied to a branch of the arched style trees was a noose hanging directly above the road. This left us feeling a little uncomfortable. The feeling of being hunted became pretty intense so Russ floored it again and as we started to come back towards society, there were 2 hitch hikers on the side of the road, dressed in old school clothing like top hat and all that. The closer we got to them the deader they looked. By the time we were passing them they looked all limp with heads facing down like they had been hung. To top it off, they had no faces. Just seemed like where they should have had feature was just blank. Needless to say we didnt pull over for them. So we finally make it back to the suburbs and wonder who the hell wont think of us as crazy if we mentioned these events. A few days later I spoke to my dad as he knew a bit more than myself about the sanctuary and said that he was told the animals dont go near the back at night. Later on we found out that that area had been a hotspot for witchcraft and black magic for decades. All 4 of us could feel something watching us for at least 6 weeks after. If anyone has had the same or similar experience please get back to me. Im definitely interested in hearing about it. Thank you ~ Em
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 01:44:01 +0000

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