Confession/Admission: Its been a tough season. I have kept it - TopicsExpress


Confession/Admission: Its been a tough season. I have kept it to myself, largely, because everyone I know has had a tough season, and I have outgrown the compulsion to burden an audience with my myriad existential crises. (Im saving them for the book!) To those intimates who have listened and borne with my roller coaster, thank you. Resolution at Which Arrived In Tough Season: Art is Magick. I dislike both of those words, but I have no better replacements. You call something Art and it magickally becomes ART. (Im not apologizing for that k, either.) You breathe the mere word and that which formerly had no value becomes valuable to someone simply because it was deemed ART. Magick. This act of reframing is neurological alchemy. Its no secret that the ritual of creation, naming and valuation has *intense* healing properties. Having graduated this Tough Season, I appreciate those properties more than I ever have. Work = Art = Healing = Magick. If you create it and you love it, nothing else matters. The ritual of creation and valuation will heal you; it will get you through. If you value your work, you value a part of yourself, and chances are someone else will, too. The human connection that forges, often, is enough to remind you that things arent so bad. Blessings on every one of you out there who continues to create, name and value your art; Im not just referring to the visual artists, musicians, performers and professional creatives I know. Im also speaking to parents, and to those whose vocations are not traditionally considered creative. Recently, I have enjoyed a deep appreciation and admiration for the art of Excel documents (Thank you, Praise!). If you create it, name it and value it, it is art. Your children are your art. Your bills paid are your art. Your forty-hour work week is your art. Call it so, and it is. Create it, Name it, Value it. Lifes hard. Make [Life] Art.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 06:25:59 +0000

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